A 40-year accumulation dataset for Adelie Land, Antarctica and its application for model validation |
The Antarctic surface mass balance in a stretched grid general circulation model |
Atmospheric dust under glacial and interglacial conditions |
Bilan de masse de surface antarctique : techniques de mesure et analyse critique |
Climat à long terme : interprétation des données du forage antarctique de Vostok. Développement d'un modèle dynamique de l'atmosphère en moyenne zonale |
The Concordiasi Project in Antarctica |
Continuous measurements of isotopic composition of water vapour on the East Antarctic Plateau |
Couches limites atmosphériques en Antarctique : observation et simulation numérique |
Detection of snowfall occurrence during blowing snow events using photoelectric sensors |
Evaluation and intercomparison of global atmospheric transport models using222Rn and other short-lived tracers |
Evaluation of CloudSat snowfall rate profiles by a comparison with in-situ micro rain radars observations in East Antarctica |
Evaluation of current and projected Antarctic precipitation in CMIP5 models |
Evaluation of the CloudSat surface snowfall product over Antarctica using ground-based precipitation radars |
The extreme atmospheric boundary layer over the Antarctic Plateau and its representation in climate models. |
GCM analysis of local influences on ice core δ signals |
Ground-based measurements of spatial and temporal variability of snow accumulation in East Antarctica |
High-resolution modelling of the Antarctic surface mass balance, application for the twentieth, twenty first and twenty second centuries |
Katabatic winds diminish precipitation contribution to the Antarctic ice mass balance. |
Measurements of precipitation in Dumont d'Urville, Adélie Land, East Antarctica |
Meteorological atmospheric boundary layer measurements and ECMWF analyses during summer at Dome C, Antarctica |
Momentum- and Heat-Flux Parametrization at Dome C, Antarctica: A Sensitivity Study |
A novel experimental study of aeolian snow transport in Adelie Land (Antarctica) |
Numerical modeling of snow cover over polar ice sheets |
Numerical simulations of Greenland snowpack and comparison with passive microwave spectral signatures |
Numerical study of surface-atmosphere interactions in northern high latitudes climate change. |
Pour éviter le chaos climatique et financier |
Precipitation above the Antarctic ice sheet : a combined approach of observations and modeling. |
Les précipitations au dessus de la calotte Antarctique : une approche conjointe observations et modélisation |
Present weather-sensor tests for measuring drifting snow |
Quality Assessment of the First Measurements of Tropospheric Water Vapor and Temperature by the HAMSTRAD Radiometer Over Concordia Station, Antarctica |
Reconstruction du bilan de masse des glaciers alpins et impact d'un changement climatique |
Seasonal Variations in Drag Coefficient over a Sastrugi-Covered Snowfield in Coastal East Antarctica |
Simulations du climat des calottes de glace |
Simulations of the climate of ice sheets. |
Snow/atmosphere coupled simulation at Dome C, Antarctica |
Soufre atmosphérique et changements climatiques : une étude de modélisation pour les moyennes et hautes latitudes sud |
Space–time Antarctic surface mass-balance variability from climate models |
Study of Antarctic precipitation by radar remote sensing, in-situ measurements, and intercomparison of climate models. |
The sulfur cycle at mid- and high-southern latitudes in an atmospheric general circulation model. |
Supplementary material to "Archival processes of the water stable isotope signal in East Antarctic ice cores" |
The surface accumulation and ablation of a coastal blue-ice area near Cap Prudhomme, Terre Adélie, Antarctica |
Toward a better understanding of snowfall in Arctic using microwave remote sensing. |
Transitions in the wintertime near-surface temperature inversion at Dome C, Antarctica |
Transport of Snow by the Wind: A Comparison Between Observations in Adélie Land, Antarctica, and Simulations Made with the Regional Climate Model MAR |
Vers une meilleure connaissance des précipitations en Arctique : utilisation de la télédétection spatiale micro-ondes |
The vertical structure of precipitation at two stations in East Antarctica derived from micro rain radars |
Water vapour transport to the high latitudes : mechanisms and variability from reanalyses and radiosoundings. |