Chetouani, Mohamed, 19..-....
Chetouani, Mohamed
Mohamed Chetouani researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-2920-4539
VIAF ID: 256074993 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Chetouani, Mohamed
- 100 1 _ ‡a Chetouani, Mohamed
- 100 1 _ ‡a Chetouani, Mohamed, ‡d 19..-....
- 100 0 _ ‡a Mohamed Chetouani ‡c researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-2920-4539
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (1)
Title | Sources |
Advances in nonlinear speech processing, c2007: | |
Altered identification with relative preservation of emotional prosody production in patients with Alzheimer's disease | |
Behavioral Own-Body-Transformations in Children and Adolescents With Typical Development, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Developmental Coordination Disorder. | |
Codage neuro-prédictif pour l'extraction de caractéristiques de signaux de parole | |
Computerized home video detection for motherese may help to study impaired interaction between infants who become autistic and their parents. | |
Do parents recognize autistic deviant behavior long before diagnosis? Taking into account interaction using computational methods | |
Dynamic synchrony, reciprocity and motherese in interactions of infants who will developp autism through family home movies. | |
Dynamique, synchronie, réciprocité et mamanais dans les interactions des bébés autistes à travers les films familiaux | |
An embedded human motion capture system for an assistive walking robot. | |
Emotion recognition and brain activity synchronization across individuals | |
Estimation du niveau d'expertise à partir du regard et des émotions | |
Evaluation automatique de la coordination pour l'analyse des interactions | |
Évaluations et applications de la communication de l'information Technologies dans la prise en charge des Troubles du Spectre Autistique. | |
Facilitating the Development of Game-Based Assessments : An In-depth Exploration of Behavioural Profiling and Soft Skills Recognition via Gamified Situational Judgement Tests | |
Façonnage de comportement robotique basé sur des signaux instructifs non labellisées. | |
Gaze Behavior Consistency among Older and Younger Adults When Looking at Emotional Faces | |
Générer des comportements de robot communicatifs proactifs. | |
GOLIAH: A Gaming Platform for Home-Based Intervention in Autism - Principles and Design | |
GOLIAH (Gaming Open Library for Intervention in Autism at Home): a 6-month single blind matched controlled exploratory study | |
GRAB-HAI : génération des comportements réciproquement adaptatifs pour les interactions humain-agent. | |
How Language Imposes Structure on Meaning : Construal and Narrative. | |
Human Behavior Understanding : 7th International Workshop, HBU 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 16, 2016, Proceedings | |
Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence : Advanced Lectures | |
human-robot motion : an attention-based approach | |
Hybrid and context-aware approaches for human activity and behavior recognition in Ambient Assisted Living systems | |
ICT and autism care: state of the art | |
Impact of visual impairment on cognition and activity limitations in older adults. | |
Improving Motor Coordination in Human-Robot Interactions using Bio-inspired Controllers. | |
Incubateur et assistance respiratoire : incidence sur les prémices de la communication du nouveau-né prématuré | |
Influence des traits sociaux des humains sur l'apprentissage développemental d'un robot | |
Interaction and behaviour imaging: a novel method to measure mother-infant interaction using video 3D reconstruction | |
Interactions précoces mère-enfant en situation de négligence émotionnelle sévère : étude transdisciplinaire de la synchronie et de la mentalisation réflexive maternelle | |
Interpersonal Synchronization, Motor Coordination, and Control Are Impaired During a Dynamic Imitation Task in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder | |
The iReCheck project: using tablets and robots for personalised handwriting practice | |
Learning from unlabeled interaction frames. | |
Learning of the human movement with wearable sensors : Towards automatic ergonomics assessment. | |
Learning socio-communicative behaviors of a humanoid robot by demonstration | |
L'effet «autre voix» : comment l'identité du locuteur et la connaissance de la langue influencent le traitement de la parole émotionnelle. | |
Leveraging the dynamics of non-verbal behaviors : modeling social attitude and engagement in human-agent interaction | |
L'interaction tactile pour médier le travail d'accompagnement des personnes avec autisme | |
Machine learning approaches based on gait cycle analysis for diagnosis aid of Parkinson's disease. | |
Machine Learning of Emotional Expressions In the Wild from Acoustic Signals and Text. | |
Modèles de gestes expressifs | |
Modèles statistiques avancés pour la reconnaissance de l'activité physique dans un environnement non contrôlé en utilisant un réseau d'objets connectés | |
Modélisation non-supervisée de signaux sociaux | |
Motherese in interaction: at the cross-road of emotion and cognition? (A systematic review) | |
Movement sonification for rehabilitation after acquired brain lesions : device design and evaluations. | |
Multimodal Coarticulation Modeling : Towards the animation of an intelligible talking head. | |
Multimodal detection of stress : evaluation of the impact of several assessment strategies | |
Multimodal stress detection for remediation software design. | |
Neural predictive coding for speech signals feature extraction. | |
NOLISP 2007 | |
Opinion analysis in speech interactions. | |
The "other-voice" effect : how speaker identity and language familiarity influence the way we process emotional speech | |
Oxytocin shapes parental motion during father-infant interaction. | |
Reading Faces. Using Hard Multi-Task Metric Learning for Kernel Regression | |
Reconnaissance automatique des dimensions affectives dans l'interaction orale homme-machine pour des personnes dépendantes | |
Reconnaissance d'émotion et synchronisation d'activité cérébrale entre individus. | |
Le regard dans les interactions lors d’entretiens en face à face et son analyse parmi les signaux sociaux | |
Relational representations and interactive learning for efficient cooperative behavior learning. | |
Relations between Automatically Extracted Motion Features and the Quality of Mother-Infant Interactions at 4 and 13 Months. | |
Robot initiative in a team learning task increases the rhythm of interaction but not the perceived engagement | |
Des robots compagnons avec du style : vers de la plasticité en interaction homme-robot. | |
Robots Learn to Recognize Individuals from Imitative Encounters with People and Avatars | |
Role of gaze in face-to-face interactions and its analysis among social cues. | |
Social Emotion Recognition with multimodal deep learning architecture in emergency call centers | |
Social signal processing for studying parent-infant interaction | |
The social Simon effect in the tactile sensory modality: a negative finding | |
Sonification du mouvement pour la rééducation après une lésion cérébrale acquise : conception et évaluations de dispositifs | |
The study of the social cues exchanged during natural interaction | |
Synchronisation et coordination interpersonnelle dans l'interaction Homme-robot | |
Synthesis of Multi-Modal Socially Intelligent Human-Robot Interaction | |
Tactile interaction to mediate the accompaniment work's of people with autism. | |
Teaching Predicate-based Autotelic Agents | |
Technologies d'humains virtuels dans le soin aux personnes âgées atteintes de troubles cognitifs : les expériences LOUISE et Virtual Promenade | |
Toucher social en robotique de téléprésence ubiquïte : imbrication des facteurs physiques et socio-affectifs dans la portée vocale en interaction | |
Toward a motor signature in autism: Studies from human-machine interaction | |
Towards animated robots : Tools and methods for the integration of animation artists into the design process of expressive social robots. | |
Traitement du langage naturel profond pour la modélisation d’utilisateurs. | |
Transformateurs multimodaux pour la reconnaissance des émotions | |
Vers des robots animés : outils et méthodes pour l'intégration d'artistes animateurs dans la conception de robots sociaux expressifs | |
A video compression and multimodal synchronization system of EEG exams for telemedicine. | |
Virtual human technologies for cognitively-impaired older adults' care : the LOUISE and Virtual Promenade experiments. | |
Visualisation tridimensionnelle de la langue basée sur des séquences d'image échographique en mode-B | |
Why synchrony matters during mother-child interactions: a systematic review |