Scott, Glenn R., 1918-2012
Scott, Glenn Robert, 1918-....
Scott, Glenn Robert, 1918-2012
Glenn R. Scott geologist
Scott, Glenn Robert
VIAF ID: 243999509 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Glenn R. Scott ‡c geologist
- 100 1 _ ‡a Scott, Glenn R. ‡d 1918-2012
- 100 1 _ ‡a Scott, Glenn R., ‡d 1918-2012
- 100 1 _ ‡a Scott, Glenn Robert ‡d 1918-2012
- 100 1 _ ‡a Scott, Glenn Robert, ‡d 1918-....
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (15)
5xx's: Related Names (2)
- 551 _ _ ‡a New Philadelphia, Ohio
- 551 _ _ ‡a Wheatridge, Colorado
Title | Sources |
Brief description as of April, 1968, of the geology and hydrology of the Lake Minnequa area, Pueblo, Colorado, and suggested solutions for trouble caused by a high water table | |
The Buffalo Peaks Andesite of central Colorado : a restudy and adoption of a formal name for the andesite that was the subject of Bulletin 1 of the U.S. Geological Survey | |
General and engineering geology of the northern part of Pueblo, Colorado | |
Geology and construction-material resources of Pottawatomie County, Kansas, 1958: | |
Geology of the Littleton Quadrangle Jefferson, Douglas, and Arapahoe Counties, Colorado | |
Geology of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks of the Raton-Springer area, Colfax and Union counties, New Mexico | |
Heteromorph ammonites from the middle Campanian Baculites scotti Zone in the U.S. Western Interior | |
Historic trail map of the Denver 1 ̊x 2 ̊ quadrangle, Central Colorado | |
Limited anniversary edition of the historic trail maps of eastern Colorado and northeastern New Mexico | |
Map Showing Areas Containing Swelling Clay in the Morrison Quadrangle, Jefferson County, Colorado | |
Map showing Late Eocene erosion surface, Oligocene-Miocene paleovalleys, and Tertiary deposits in the Pueblo, Denver, and Greeley 1 x 2 quadrangles, Colorado | |
Multinodose scaphitid cephalopods from the lower part of the Pierre Shale and equivalent rocks in the conterminous United States | |
Occurrence of the Early Cretaceous Ammonite Venezoliceras in Puerto Rico | |
Pikes Peak, Colorado | |
Pliocene and Quaternary deposits in the northern part of the San Juan basin in southwestern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico | |
Post-Paleocene Tertiary rocks and Quaternary volcanic ash of the Wet Mountain Valley, Colorado : a stratigraphic and structural study of sedimentary and volcanic rocks along a graben in south-central Colorado | |
Preliminary map of landslide deposits in the Green Mountain area, Jefferson County, Colorado | |
Quaternary faulting and potential earthquakes in east-central Colorado | |
Quaternary geology and geomorphic history of the Kassler quadrangle, Colorado | |
Reconnaissance geologic map of the Cascade Quadrangle, El Paso County, Colorado | |
Stratigraphy and Ammonite Fauna of the Graneros Shale ad Greenhorn Limestone Near Publo, Colorado | |
Stratigraphy of the Niobrara Formation at Pueblo, Colorado | |
Studies on the Quaternary 1963-1965 : distributed on the occasion of the VII Congress of the International Association for Quaterary Research, [Boulder, CO], Aug. 14-Sept. 19 1965 | |
Test data sheets for "Symposium on Shale" field trip | |
Unedited stratigraphic sections of the Pierre Shale near Round Butte and Buckeye in Larimer County, northern Colorado |