Analyzing the Selectivity and Successiveness of a Two-Electron Capture on a Multiply Disulfide-Linked Protein |
Assessing the Performances of CASPT2 and NEVPT2 for Vertical Excitation Energies |
Basis functions for electronic structure calculations on spheres. |
Capturing static and dynamic correlation with ΔNO-MP2 and ΔNO-CCSD |
Chemistry in one dimension |
Communication: Three-electron coalescence points in two and three dimensions |
Complex adiabatic connection: A hidden non-Hermitian path from ground to excited states |
Cross-Comparisons between Experiment, TD-DFT, CC, and ADC for Transition Energies |
Décomposition de l'intéraction d'échange magnétique par l'approche à brisure de symétrie : théorie et applications |
Description ab initio des noyaux à double couches ouvertes via une nouvelle méthode de résolution du problème quantique à N corps. |
Deterministic construction of nodal surfaces within quantum Monte Carlo: the case of FeS. |
Development of a quantum chemistry method mixing several level of theory : applications to the study of electronic states in macromolecular systems. |
Développement d'une méthode de chimie quantique mêlant plusieurs niveaux de théorie : applications à l'étude des états électroniques de macromolécules |
Dynamical correction to the Bethe-Salpeter equation beyond the plasmon-pole approximation |
Dynamical kernels for optical excitations |
Electronic transitions, statistics and digital tools for quantum chemistry. |
Exchange functionals based on finite uniform electron gases. |
Excited-state Wigner crystals |
Excited States from State-Specific Orbital-Optimized Pair Coupled Cluster |
Excited states in ensemble density functional theory : from Hubbard model to exact Hamiltonian with range separation. |
Exploring new exchange-correlation kernels in the Bethe-Salpeter equation. |
The extension of the density-based basis-set correction method for calculations of molecular properties |
Formalisme à N-corps GW environné dans une approche fragment : développements et applications à des systèmes complexes |
Green Functions and Self-Consistency: Insights From the Spherium Model |
Huge Disulfide-Linkage’S Electron Capture Variation Induced by α-Helix Orientation |
Hybrid stochastic-deterministic calculation of the second-order perturbative contribution of multireference perturbation theory. |
Is ADC(3) as Accurate as CC3 for Valence and Rydberg Transition Energies? |
Iterative stochastic subspace self-consistent field method. |
Méthodes basées sur les fonctions de Green pour les excitations chargées et neutres |
Molecular electronic structure in one-dimensional Coulomb systems |
Mountaineering Strategy to Excited States: Highly Accurate Oscillator Strengths and Dipole Moments of Small Molecules |
A Mountaineering Strategy to Excited States: Revising Reference Values with EOM-CC4 |
Natural occupation numbers in two-electron quantum rings |
Nodal surfaces and interdimensional degeneracies. |
Parity-Time Symmetry in Hartree-Fock Theory |
The performance of CIPSI on the ground state electronic energy of benzene |
Pros and Cons of the Bethe-Salpeter Formalism for Ground-State Energies |
Quantum Package 2.0: An Open-Source Determinant-Driven Suite of Programs |
The Quest for Highly Accurate Excitation Energies: A Computational Perspective |
Reference Energies for Intramolecular Charge-Transfer Excitations |
Self-Consistent Strictly Localized Orbitals |
Spin-Conserved and Spin-Flip Optical Excitations from the Bethe–Salpeter Equation Formalism |
Theoretical 0–0 Energies with Chemical Accuracy |
Theoretical Investigation of the Geometries and UV-vis Spectra of Poly(l-glutamic acid) Featuring a Photochromic Azobenzene Side Chain. |
Thinking outside the box: the uniform electron gas on a hypersphere |
Three- and four-electron integrals involving Gaussian geminals: Fundamental integrals, upper bounds, and recurrence relations |
Toward a systematic improvement of the fixed-node approximation in diffusion Monte Carlo for solids-A case study in diamond |
Transitions électroniques, statistiques et outils numériques pour la chimie quantique |
Two Electrons on a Hypersphere: A Quasiexactly Solvable Model |
Uniform electron gases. III. Low-density gases on three-dimensional spheres |
Unphysical Discontinuities in GW Methods |
Weight dependence of local exchange-correlation functionals in ensemble density-functional theory: double excitations in two-electron systems |