Analyse des changements rapides de l'environnement à l'aide des faunes de mollusques terrestres durant la dernière période glaciaire en domaine continental européen |
Clarifications about the concept and review process of Climate of the Past |
Climat et atmosphère |
Continental climatic changes in Normandy |
The continental record of stage 11: A review |
Le cycle climatique du Pléistocène supérieur dans les lœss d'Alsace à Achenheim |
Dynamics and sources of last glacial aeolian deposition in southwest France derived from dune patterns, grain-size gradients and geochemistry, and reconstruction of efficient wind directions |
Early Weichselian dust storm layer at Achenheim in Alsace, France |
Echelles des variations chronoclimatiques quaternaires et réponses des environnements : introduction au colloque [ Scales and timing of the Quaternary climatic variations and responses of the environments : an introduction to the conference. ] |
Eurasian contribution to the last glacial dust cycle: how are loess sequences built? |
Les formations carbonatées du Dortan (Ain) : premières observations |
Les formations quaternaires de la France du Nord-Ouest : Limites et corrélations [The quaternary formations of North-West France : Boundaries and correlations] |
Le gisement paléolithique moyen et les séquencess pléistocènes de Villiers-Adam (Val-d 'Oise) : chronostratigraphie, environnement et implantations humaines |
Les granules de calcite de vers de terre, un support innovent pour la reconstitution du paléoclimat du Dernier Glaciaire en milieu loessique européen : application à l'étude des interactions Homme-environnement au Paléolithique |
High-resolution record of the last climatic cycle in the southern Carpathian Basin (Surduk, Vojvodina, Serbia) |
Holocene climate as reflected by a malacological sequence at Verrières, France |
Holocene Environmental Signals from Mollusk Assemblages in Burgundy (France) |
The impact of Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles on the loessic environment and malacofauna of Nussloch (Germany) during the Upper Weichselian |
The impact of Last Glacial climate variability in west-European loess revealed by radiocarbon dating of fossil earthworm granules. |
Inverse stochastic–dynamic models for high-resolution Greenland ice core records |
Is causal ecological biogeography a progressive research program? |
Les isotopes du carbone dans les coquilles de gastéropodes terrestres de la série Loessique de Eustis (Nebraska, USA) : un indicateur de changements rapides de l'environnement entre 20 et 12 KA BP |
Last interglacial-glacial climatic cycle in loess-palaeosol successions of north-western France |
Late Pleistocene Climatic Variations at Achenheim, France, Based on a Magnetic Susceptibility and TL Chronology of Loess |
Late Pleistocene Environments of the Central Ukraine: Volume 56, Number 3 (2001), pages 349–356 |
Link between European and North Atlantic abrupt climate changes over the last glaciation |
Loess biostratigraphy: new advances and approaches in mollusk studies |
The loess sequence of Dolní Věstonice, Czech Republic: A new OSL-based chronology of the Last Climatic Cycle |
Long-distance pollen transport from North America to Greenland in spring |
Mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa ya ghafla na nadharia ya unajimu: yanahusiana? |
Malacological records from the Upper Pleistocene at Portelet (Jersey, Channel Islands): comparisons with western and central Europe |
Méthodes et concepts en stratigraphie du Quaternaire européen. Introduction au thème «Valeur et signification de l'enregistrement stratigraphique |
Methods for the study of stratigraphical records : a selection of papers presented at the conference to the theme Methods and concepts in European quaternary stratigraphy, Dijon, France, December 5-7, 1988 |
Millennial-timescale record in European eolian deposits: Data-model comparison (ACTES & EOLE projects) |
Mineral magnetic characterization of the Upper Pleniglacial Nussloch loess sequence (Germany): an insight into local environmental processes |
(MIS3 & 2) millennial oscillations in Greenland dust and Eurasian aeolian records – A paleosol perspective |
Mise en évidence d'évènements climatiques rapides par les faunes de mollusques terrestres des Loess Weichseliens de Nussloch (Allemagne) |
Mollusk Record of Monsoon Variability during the L2–S2 Cycle in the Luochuan Loess Sequence, China |
Mollusques terrestres et températures : une nouvelle fonction de transfert quantitative |
New chronology and organic matter paleoclimatic significance of Nußloch loess sequence (Rhine Valley, Germany) |
A new Paleogene micropaleontological and palaeogeographical data in the Petchora Depression, northeastern European Russia |
Ocean circulation, ice shelf, and sea ice interactions explain Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles |
Paleoclimatic Reconstruction Using Mutual Climatic Range on Terrestrial Mollusks |
Paleoclimatology of the Achenheim series (middle and upper pleistocene, Alsace, France) A. malacological analysis |
Paléoenvironnements pléistocènes et peuplements paléolithiques dans le bassin de la Somme (nord de la France) |
Phylogenèse et biogéographie deRetinella (Lyrodiscus) Pilsbry (Gasteropoda: Zonitidae) |
Pollen record of rapidly changing air trajectories to the North Pole |
Preliminary study of mollusk fossils in the Qinan Miocene loess-soil sequence in western Chinese Loess Plateau |
Processus explicatifs des changements de végétation intervenus depuis 14 000 ans en Europe occidentale au voisinage de 48° de latitude nord [ Explicative processes of vegetation changes that occurred in western Europe since 140000 years BP at arou |
Rapid and cyclic aeolian deposition during the Last Glacial in European loess: a high-resolution record from Nussloch, Germany |
A remarkable Late Saalian (MIS 6) loess (dust) accumulation in the Lower Danube at Harletz (Bulgaria) |
Reponses des malacofaunes terrestres quaternaires aux contraintes climatiques en Europe septentrionale |
La retouche Quina : une mise au point |
La stratigraphie des loess et formations fluviatiles d'Achenheim |
Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironments of the Last Pleniglacial in the Kyiv Loess Region (Ukraine) |
Structures des populations quaternaires de pupilla muscorum (gastropode) en Europe du Nord : relations avec leurs environnements |
Temperature oscillations over the last 10,000 years in western Europe estimated from terrestrial mollusc assemblages |
Terrestrial molluscan records of Weichselian Lower to Middle Pleniglacial climatic changes from the Nussloch loess series (Rhine Valley, Germany): the impact of local factors |
Terrestrial molluscs as indicators of global aeolian dust fluxes during glacial stages |
The terrestrial mollusks as new indices of the Asian paleomonsoons in the Chinese loess plateau |
Top-class, new generation sediment coring on Research Vessel Marion Dufresne |
Variations de Pupilla muscorum L. (Gastropoda) dans le quaternaire d'achenheim (Alsace): Une analyse de l'interaction entre espèce et milieu |
The weight of internal and external constraints on Pupilla muscorum L. (Gastropoda:Stylommatophora) during the Quaternary in Europe |
West-European terrestrial molluscs assemblages of isotopic stage 11 (Middle Pleistocene): climatic implications |
Wind-blown origin of Dongwan late Miocene–Pliocene dust sequence documented by land snail record in western Chinese Loess Plateau |
δ 13 C signal of earthworm calcite granules: A new proxy for palaeoprecipitation reconstructions during the Last Glacial in western Europe |
δ13C of Loess Organic Matter as a Potential Proxy for Paleoprecipitation |
δ13C variations of loess organic matter as a record of the vegetation response to climatic changes during the Weichselian |