Asteroseismology of δ Scuti stars: Problems and prospects |
The BinaMIcS project: binarity and magnetism |
The chemical abundance analysis of normal early A- and late B-type stars |
The close T Tauri binary system V4046 Sgr: rotationally modulated X-ray emission from accretion shocks |
Detecting and modelling the magnetic field of theβ Cephei star V 2052 Ophiuchi |
Discovery of a magnetic field in the O9 sub-giant star HD 57682 by the MiMeS Collaboration |
Discovery of new magnetic early-B stars within the MiMeS HARPSpol survey |
Discovery of non-radial pulsations in the spectroscopic binary Herbig Ae star RS Chamaeleontis |
Discovery of starspots on Vega. First spectroscopic detection of surface structures on a normal A-type star |
Disks and winds around hot stars : New insights from multi-band spectroscopy and interferometry. |
Disques et vents des étoiles chaudes : Apport de la spectroscopie et de l'interférométrie multi-bandes |
The Effect of Neutron Star Gravitational Binding Energy on Gravitational Radiation–driven Mass‐Transfer Binaries |
EK Eridani: the tip of the iceberg of giants which have evolved from magnetic Ap stars |
Etude de l'évolution de la structure interne et du champ magnétique des étoiles pré-séquence principale de masse intermédiaire |
Excitation of solar-like oscillations: from PMS to MS stellar models |
Fundamental properties of single O stars in the MiMeS survey |
GSC 07396-00759 = V4046 Sgr C[D]: a wide-separation companion to the close T Tauri binary system V4046 Sgr AB |
HD 156324: a tidally locked magnetic triple spectroscopic binary with a disrupted magnetosphere |
HD 164492C: a rapidly rotating, H{alpha}-bright, magnetic early B star associated with a 12.5 d spectroscopic binary |
HD 66051: the first eclipsing binary hosting an early-type magnetic star |
HD 96446: a puzzle for current models of magnetospheres? |
High-resolution spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry of some late F-/Early G-type Sun-like stars as targets for Zeeman Doppler imaging |
How unique is Plaskett's star? A search for organized magnetic fields in short period, interacting or post-interaction massive binary systems |
Impact of the new solar abundances on the calibration of the PMS binary system RS Chamaeleontis |
Inner disk structure of the classical T Tauri star LkCa 15 |
Investigating the origin of the spectral line profiles of the Hot Wolf–Rayet Star WR 2 |
The magnetic characteristics of Galactic OB stars from the MiMeS survey of magnetism in massive stars |
Magnetic, chemical and rotational properties of the Herbig Ae/Be binary system HD72106 |
A magnetic confinement versus rotation classification of massive-star magnetospheres |
The magnetic early B-type Stars II: stellar atmospheric parameters in the era of Gaia |
The magnetic field of the double-lined spectroscopic binary system HD 5550 |
The magnetic field of the pre-main sequence Herbig Ae star HD 190073 |
Magnetic field study in single late giants |
Magnetic field topology of the cool, active, short-period binary system {sigma}^2^ Coronae Borealis |
Magnetic field topology of the unique chemically peculiar star CU Virginis |
Magnetic observations of pulsating B and Be stars with ESPaDOnS and Narval |
Magnetism in pre-MS intermediate-mass stars and the fossil field hypothesis |
Magnetism, rotation and accretion in Herbig Ae-Be stars |
The magnetosphere of the close accreting PMS binary V4046 Sgr AB |
Magnetospheric accretion on the T Tauri star BP Tauri |
The MiMeS project: first results |
The MiMeS project: overview and current status |
NU Ori: a hierarchical triple system with a strongly magnetic B-type star |
Observations of non-solar-type dynamo processes in stars with shallow convective zones |
Orbital parameters, chemical composition and magnetic field of the Ap binary HD 98088 |
The origin of magnetic fields in hot stars |
Pulsations and metallicity of the pre-main sequence eclipsing spectroscopic binary RS Cha |
Revisiting the Rigidly Rotating Magnetosphere model for Ori E - I. Observations and data analysis★ |
Roadmap on the theoretical work of BinaMIcS |
Rotation, spectral variability, magnetic geometry and magnetosphere of the Of?p star CPD −28° 2561★ |
RS Cha, a binary system suitable for testing stellar physics modeling during the pre-main sequence phase |
A search for magnetic fields in the variable HgMn star α Andromedae |
Spectral separation of two pulsating non-single stars |
Spectropolarimetric observations of the transiting planetary system of the K dwarf HD 189733 |
Star-disk interaction in the T Tauri star V2129 Ophiuchi: An evolving accretion-ejection structure |
Stochastic gravito-inertial modes discovered by CoRoT in the hot Be star HD 51452 |
Surface structure of the CoRoT CP2 target star HD 50773 |
The surprising magnetic topology of Sco: fossil remnant or dynamo output? |
Towards the detection of short period planets embedded in the circumstellar disk of young stars. |
Two spotted and magnetic early B-type stars in the young open cluster NGC 2264 discovered by MOST and ESPaDOnS |
Vers la détection de planètes à courte période enfouies dans les disques circumstellaires des étoiles jeunes |