Approche épidémiologique du comportement alimentaire : lien avec l'adiposité en population générale ; déterminants familiaux du comportement alimentaire |
The association between diet and serum concentrations of IGF-I, IGFBP-1, IGFBP-2, and IGFBP-3 in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. |
The association between dietary energy density and type 2 diabetes in Europe: results from the EPIC-InterAct Study |
An association between maternal weight change in the year before pregnancy and infant birth weight: ELFE, a French national birth cohort study |
Breastfeeding and infant temperament at age three months |
Breastfeeding initiation or duration and longitudinal patterns of infections up to 2 years and skin rash and respiratory symptoms up to 8 years in the EDEN mother-child cohort |
Childhood and adult secondhand smoke and type 2 diabetes in women |
Cognitive restraint, uncontrolled eating and emotional eating: correlations between parent and adolescent |
Consumption of fatty foods and incident type 2 diabetes in populations from eight European countries |
Dietary acrylamide intake during pregnancy and postnatal growth and obesity: Results from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). |
The dietary n6:n3 fatty acid ratio during pregnancy is inversely associated with child neurodevelopment in the EDEN mother-child cohort |
Dietary patterns track from infancy to preschool age: cross-sectional and longitudinal perspectives |
Dietary Sugar and Fat Exposure : Determinants and Links with Sweet Taste Liking and Fat Sensation Liking. |
Differential effects of coffee on the risk of type 2 diabetes according to meal consumption in a French cohort of women: the E3N/EPIC cohort study |
Early factors related to carbohydrate and fat intake at 8 and 12 months: results from the EDEN mother-child cohort. |
Early feeding practices : determinants and influence on postnatal growth and on food intake at 3 years of age. |
Early problematic eating behaviours are associated with lower fruit and vegetable intake and less dietary variety at 4-5 years of age. A prospective analysis of three European birth cohorts |
Elaboration and evaluation of a stepwise and tailored dietary advice method to improve the nutrient adequacy of the diets of pregnant women in France. |
Élaboration et évaluation d'une méthode de conseils alimentaires personnalisés et pas-à-pas visant à améliorer l'adéquation nutritionnelle des régimes de femmes enceintes en France |
Endocrine disrupting chemicals and growth of children |
Environmental contaminants and child's growth |
Etude des relations entre Indice d'inflammation alimentaire et le risque de cancer du sein dans l'étude cas-témoins CECILE et la cohorte E3N |
Expositions alimentaires au sucre et au gras : Déterminants et liens avec l'appréciation de la saveur sucrée et de la sensation de gras |
Factors Associated with Breastfeeding Initiation: A Comparison between France and French-Speaking Canada |
Factors associated with the introduction of complementary feeding in the French ELFE cohort study |
Formation d'habitudes alimentaires saines chez les enfants âgés de 0 à 3 ans : soutenir l'élaboration de matériel de diffusion des recommandations de santé publique et son évaluation auprès des parents et des professionnels de santé. |
Formation of healthy eating habits in children aged 0-3 years : supporting the development of public health guidelines dissemination material and its evaluation with parents and healthcare professionals |
Fruit and vegetable intake and type 2 diabetes: EPIC-InterAct prospective study and meta-analysis |
Growth curves of anthropometric indices in a general population of French children and comparison with reference data. |
Home and Work Physical Activity Environments: Associations with Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Physical Activity Level in French Women |
Immune components of early breastmilk: association with maternal factors and with reported food allergy in childhood |
Infant diet and growth during childhood. |
Infant Dietary Exposures to Sweetness and Fattiness Increase during the First Year of Life and Are Associated with Feeding Practices. |
Infant feeding practices and sleep at 1 year of age in the nationwide ELFE cohort |
Infant milk feeding, infections and allergies in young children. |
The influence of early feeding practices on healthy diet variety score among pre-school children in four European birth cohorts |
Influence of infant feeding patterns over the first year of life on growth from birth to 5 years |
L'alimentation précoce : ses déterminants, son influence sur la croissance postnatale et les consommations alimentaires à 3 ans |
Latent variables and structural equation models for longitudinal relationships: an illustration in nutritional epidemiology |
LC-PUFA enrichment in infant formula and neurodevelopment up to age 3.5 years in the French nationwide ELFE birth cohort |
Maternal Diet During Pregnancy and Early Growth : Focus on Diet Duality and Food Chemicals Exposure |
Maternal religion and breastfeeding intention and practice in the US Project Viva cohort |
Maternity or parental leave and breastfeeding duration: Results from the ELFE cohort |
Mediation and modification of genetic susceptibility to obesity by eating behaviors |
A Monte Carlo simulation to validate the EAR cut-point method for assessing the prevalence of nutrient inadequacy at the population level |
Multidimensionality of the relationship between social status and dietary patterns in early childhood: longitudinal results from the French EDEN mother-child cohort |
Night-waking trajectories and associated factors in French preschoolers from the EDEN birth-cohort. |
Parental feeding practices, child’s appetite and growth. |
Perception of physical sensations and emotions in the context of eating behavior : associations with food intake and weight status in the general population. |
Physical activity reduces the risk of incident type 2 diabetes in general and in abdominally lean and obese men and women: the EPIC-InterAct Study |
Place de l'offre végétarienne en restauration scolaire pour concilier nutrition et environnement : le cas français |
Place of the vegetarian offer in school catering to reconcile nutrition and environment : the French case. |
Pratiques parentales vis-à-vis de l'alimentation, appétit de l'enfant et croissance |
Predicting diabetes: clinical, biological, and genetic approaches: data from the Epidemiological Study on the Insulin Resistance Syndrome (DESIR). |
Predictors of maternal dietary quality and dietary inflammation during pregnancy: An individual participant data meta-analysis of seven European cohorts from the ALPHABET consortium |
Premiers cris, premières nourritures |
Prenatal diet and children's trajectories of hyperactivity-inattention and conduct problems from 3 to 8 years: the EDEN mother-child cohort. |
Prévalence des allergies alimentaires chez l'enfant : données de la cohorte ELFE = Prevalence of food allergy in France up to 5.5 years: results from the ELFE cohort |
Processed and unprocessed red meat consumption and incident type 2 diabetes among French women |
Prospective associations between energy balance-related behaviors at 2 years of age and subsequent adiposity: the EDEN mother-child cohort |
Relations entre l'attirance sensorielle des consommateurs pour le gras, le salé et le sucré et leurs comportements alimentaires et leur état nutritionnel. Rôle modulateur des facteurs démographiques, socioéconomiques, psychologiques, de mode de vie et de santé |
Relationships between sensory liking for fat, salt and sweet of consumers, their dietary intake and their nutritional status. Modulating effect of demographic, socioeconomic, psychological, lifestyle and health factors. |
Reply to J. Heinrich |
Smoking Trajectories during the Perinatal Period and Their Risk Factors: The Nationally Representative French ELFE (Etude Longitudinale Française Depuis l'Enfance) Birth Cohort Study |
Social Inequalities in Prenatal Folic Acid Supplementation: Results from the ELFE Cohort |
Socioeconomic inequalities in weight, height and body mass index from birth to 5 years |
Study of the associations between Dietary Inflammatory Index and Breast Cancer risk in the CECILE case-control study and in the E3N cohort. |
To which mixtures are French pregnant women mainly exposed? A combination of the second French total diet study with the EDEN and ELFE cohort studies |
La toux en dehors d'une infection chez l'enfant : trajectoires au cours des dix premières années de vie, association avec les maladies allergiques et rôle de l'environnement périnatal |
Use of infant formula in the ELFE study: The association with social and health-related factors. |
Use of partially hydrolysed formula in infancy and incidence of eczema, respiratory symptoms or food allergies in toddlers from the ELFE cohort |
Which modifiable prenatal factors mediate the relation between socio-economic position and a child's weight and length at birth? |