Cerdan, Olivier, 1971-....
Olivier Cerdan
VIAF ID: 200939836 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/200939836
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Cerdan, Olivier ‡d 1971-...
- 100 1 _ ‡a Cerdan, Olivier, ‡d 1971-....
- 100 0 _ ‡a Olivier Cerdan
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (3)
Title | Sources |
Accelerated sediment fluxes by water and tillage erosion on European agricultural land | |
Accroissement de la contribution des sources d'érosion aux rivières et plans d'eau (1950-2010) : le cas du Louroux (Indre-et-Loire, France) | |
Adaptation d'une méthode de cartographie à score pour la gestion distribuée des aires de production du ruissellement en milieux urbains | |
Adaptation of a score mapping method for distributed management of runoff production areas in urban environments. | |
Amélioration de la chronologie des retombées initiales de radionucléides pour reconstruire les taux de redistribution de sol dans les bassins versants agricoles d’Amérique du Sud. | |
Analyse et modélisation du transfert de particules solides à l'échelle de petits bassins versants cultivés | |
Analysis and modelling of particle transfer at the scale of cultivated catchments. | |
The application of remote-sensing data to monitoring and modelling of soil erosion | |
Assessment of vulnerability to erosion: Digital mapping of a loess cover thickness and stiffness using spectral analysis of seismic surface-waves | |
Calculation of river sediment fluxes from uncertain and infrequent measurements | |
Cartographie de la perméabilité des sols pour l’aide à la prévision des crues ; cas d’étude sur le Gardon d’Anduze | |
Chemical weathering and erosion rates in the Lesser Antilles: An overview in Guadeloupe, Martinique and Dominica | |
Comparative sensitivity analysis of four distributed erosion models | |
Compréhension de la dynamique particulaire d'un bassin versant périurbain par géochimie multi-élémentaire organique et minérale | |
Le cycle du carbone affecté par l'érosion des sols en Europe. | |
Developing a predictive environment-based model for mapping biological soil crust patterns at the local scale in the Sahel | |
DIGISOIL: An Integrated System of Data Collection Technologies for Mapping Soil Properties | |
Dynamique des dépôts de sédiments cohésifs dans les rivières à graviers : approche combinant suivi in situ et modélisation numérique | |
Effect of ground-cover type on surface runoff and subsequent soil erosion in Champagne vineyards in France | |
Erosion and sediment budget across scale: A case study in a catchment of the European loess belt | |
Etude des problématiques érosives en Territoire Hauts-de-France : compréhension des dynamiques des flux hydrosédimentaires et de leur rôle sur la qualité des cours d'eau | |
Évaluation de l'érosion des sols et sa réponse aux changements climatiques dans les rivières côtières équatoriennes : applications de modélisation géospatiale. | |
Évaluation et modélisation de l'érosion du sol sous différentes pratiques de conservation sur les plantations de café ombragées sur les terres de pente (Ultisols) au Costa Rica | |
Evaluation of the PESERA model in two contrasting environments | |
A faster numerical scheme for a coupled system modeling soil erosion and sediment transport | |
Grass strip effects on runoff and soil loss | |
Hydro-sedimentary Dynamics of a Drained Agricultural Headwater Catchment: A Nested Monitoring Approach | |
The impact of typhoons on sediment connectivity: lessons learnt from contaminated coastal catchments of the Fukushima Prefecture (Japan) | |
Importance of taking into account DTM in three dimensions for the mapping of runoff potential, application to Lebanon | |
Improvement of surface flow network prediction for the modeling of erosion processes in agricultural landscapes | |
Incorporating soil surface crusting processes in an expert-based runoff model: Sealing and Transfer by Runoff and Erosion related to Agricultural Management | |
Increase in soil erosion after agricultural intensification: Evidence from a lowland basin in France | |
Indices of sediment connectivity: opportunities, challenges and limitations | |
Investigating the temporal dynamics of suspended sediment during flood events with 7Be and 210Pbxs measurements in a drained lowland catchment | |
Land use and climate change effects on soil erosion in a semi-arid mountainous watershed (High Atlas, Morocco) | |
A method for developing a large-scale sediment yield index for European river basins | |
Modélisation distribuée de l'aléa érosif dans le bassin versant de la Loire et nouvelles perspectives de validation | |
Modelling interrill erosion in small cultivated catchments | |
Modelling the impact of agri-environmental scenarios on runoff in a cultivated catchment (Normandy, France) | |
Modelling the impact of land use change and rainfall seasonality on sediment export from an agricultural catchment of the northwestern European loess belt | |
Morphological evolution of a rural headwater stream after channelisation | |
A new methodological approach using grain shape as a tool for sediment source to sink transfer studies in watersheds. | |
Operational performance of current synthetic aperture radar sensors in mapping soil surface characteristics in agricultural environments: application to hydrological and erosion modelling | |
Overland Flow Modeling with the Shallow Water Equations Using a Well-Balanced Numerical Scheme: Better Predictions or Just More Complexity | |
Pan-European Soil Erodibility Assessment | |
Particle transfer from hillslope to water system in the Loire and britany river basin. | |
Quantification of bank erosion of artificial drainage networks using LiDAR data | |
Quantifying the dominant sources of sediment in a drained lowland agricultural catchment: The application of a thorium-based particle size correction in sediment fingerprinting | |
Radiocesium transfer from hillslopes to the Pacific Ocean after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident: A review | |
Radionuclide contamination in flood sediment deposits in the coastal rivers draining the main radioactive pollution plume of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan (2011–2020) | |
Rainfall erosivity in catchments contaminated with fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident | |
Rates and spatial variations of soil erosion in Europe: A study based on erosion plot data | |
Refining fallout radionuclide baseline data to recontruct soil redistribution rates in agricultural catchments of South America | |
Regional soil erosion risk mapping in Lebanon | |
Relationship between temporal variability of hydrosedimentary responses, climate signals and physical characteristics of catchments.. | |
Reliability of an expert-based runoff and erosion model: Application of STREAM to different environments | |
Remote-sensing data as an alternative input for the ‘STREAM’ runoff model | |
Renewed soil erosion and remobilisation of radioactive sediment in Fukushima coastal rivers after the 2013 typhoons | |
Rill erosion on cultivated hillslopes during two extreme rainfall events in Normandy, France | |
River basin sediment flux assessments | |
Rôle de l'érosion ravinaire dans l'envasement des retenues collinaires dans la Dorsale tunisienne et le Cap Bon | |
Role of gully erosion in the siltation of reservoirs in the Tunisian Dorsal and the Cape Bon (Tunisia). | |
Runoff generation fostered by physical and biological crusts in semi-arid sandy soils | |
Scale effect on runoff from experimental plots to catchments in agricultural areas in Normandy | |
Sediment concentration in interrill flow: interactions between soil surface conditions, vegetation and rainfall | |
Sediment export from French rivers to the sea | |
Sheet and Rill Erosion | |
Soil erosion assessment and its response to climate changes in ecuadorian coastal rivers : a geospatial modeling applications | |
Soil erosion evaluation and modeling under different production practices on shade coffee plantation under steep lands (Ultisols). | |
Spatially distributed data for erosion model calibration and validation: The Ganspoel and Kinderveld datasets | |
Study of erosive issues in the Hauts-de-France region : understanding the dynamics of hydrosedimentary fluxes and their impact on watercourse quality. | |
Study of overland flow with uncertain infiltration using stochastic tools | |
Understanding a peri-urban catchment area sedimentary dynamic by organic and mineral multi-elemental geochemistry. | |
Variability of soil surface characteristics influencing runoff and interrill erosion | |
Variability of suspended sediment yields within the Loire river basin ( France ) | |
Des versants aux masses d'eau : érosion, colmatage et envasement |