Alimentation, consommation d'alcool, activité physique, prise de compléments alimentaires, variation de poids et représentations nutritionnelles : évolution avant/apres diagnostic d'un cancer |
Approche épidémiologique des relations entre sucres, index et charge glycémiques, édulcorants et risques de cancer |
Les associations entre les acides gras alimentaires et sanguins et le risque des cancers de l'ovaire et de l'endomètre dans l'étude européenne EPIC. |
Compléments alimentaires : consommation et facteurs associes en population générale et dans des groupes spécifiques – modulation du risque de cancer |
Dietary and circulating fatty acids in association with ovarian and endometrial cancers |
Dietary Iodine Intake, Fingernail Selenium, and Risk of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer : Analyses of Case-Control Studies from Epi-Thyr Consortium. |
Dietary supplement use in the general population and in specific subgroups-modulation of cancer. |
Effet de l'anxiété sur l'association entre viande rouge et risque de cancer colorectal : une approche multidisciplinaire |
Etude de l'impact de la leptine sur le statut oxydatif et inflammatoire du tissu mammaire : approche expérimentale in vitro et in vivo - Mise en oeuvre de la technique de détection par fluorescence native. |
Étude du rôle du microbiote intestinal dans la carcinogenèse colorectale : approches épidémiologiques |
Inflammatory Bowel disease environmental factros and drug exposure : an epidemiological study. |
Ingénierie des connaissances pour le choix d'interventions numériques de santé application en prévention du risque cardiovasculaire |
Knowledge engineering for the choice of digital health interventions application in cardiovascular risk prevention. |
L'apport alimentaire en iode, sélénium dans les ongles, et risque du cancer différencié de la thyroïde : analyses d'études cas-témoins du consortium Epi-Thyr |
New biomarkers of coffee consumption identified by the non-targeted metabolomic profiling of cohort study subjects |
New cancer cases in France in 2015 attributable to different levels of alcohol consumption |
Nutri-Score and NutrInform Battery: Effects on Performance and Preference in Italian Consumers |
Le Nutri-Score, un étiquetage nutritionnel s’appuyant sur des bases scientifiques solides |
A nutritional epidemiology study of human gut microbiota - Associations with the systemic metabolism and usual diet of the host and relationships between dietary fibers and the host's health |
Nutritional prevention of cardiovascular diseases : dietary behaviour and polyphenol intakes. |
Objectifs nutritionnels prioritaires pour la prévention primaire des cancers |
Objective understanding of Nutri-Score Front-Of-Package nutrition label according to individual characteristics of subjects: Comparisons with other format labels |
Organic food consumption and Gluten-free diet, is there a link? results in French adults without celiac disease |
Overall and abdominal adiposity in midlife and subsequent cognitive function. |
Participant profiles according to recruitment source in a large Web-based prospective study: experience from the Nutrinet-Santé study |
Perception of different formats of front-of-pack nutrition labels according to sociodemographic, lifestyle and dietary factors in a French population: cross-sectional study among the NutriNet-Santé cohort participants |
Performance of a five category front-of-pack labelling system - the 5-colour nutrition label - to differentiate nutritional quality of breakfast cereals in France |
Periodontitis assessed with a new screening tool and oral health-related quality of life: cross-sectional findings among general-population adults |
Plasma carotenoids and retinol and overall and breast cancer risk: a nested case-control study |
Polish Consumers’ Understanding of Different Front-of-Package Food Labels: A Randomized Experiment |
A population-based study of macronutrient intake according to mental health status with a focus on pure and comorbid anxiety and eating disorders |
Positive psychological traits are associated with dietary behavior during the COVID-19 lockdown in a general population-based study. |
Prévention nutritionnelle des maladies cardiovasculaires : comportement alimentaire et apports en polyphénols |
Prise de complément en vitamine D ou C et risque de cancer du sein dans la cohorte E3N |
Programme National Nutrition Santé - guidelines score 2 (PNNS-GS2): development and validation of a diet quality score reflecting the 2017 French dietary guidelines |
Prospective association between the dietary inflammatory index and metabolic syndrome: findings from the SU.VI.MAX study |
Prospective associations between sustainable dietary pattern assessed with the Sustainable Diet Index (SDI) and risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases in the French NutriNet-Santé cohort |
Prospective associations between the nutritional quality of foods consumed (graded by the FSAm-NPS underlying the Nutri-Score) and mortality in Europe |
A prospective study of plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and prostate cancer risk |
Public health potential of guidelines-based dietary scores for non-communicable diseases mortality prevention: simulation study using the Preventable Risk Integrated ModEl (PRIME) model |
Public perception of the tax on sweetened beverages in France |
Quantitative assessment of dietary supplement intake in 77,000 French adults: impact on nutritional intake inadequacy and excessive intake |
Randomised controlled trial in an experimental online supermarket testing the effects of front-of-pack nutrition labelling on food purchasing intentions in a low-income population |
Region-specific nutrient intake patterns exhibit a geographical gradient within and between European countries |
Rôle de la nutrition dans la prévention des maladies chroniques : un enjeu de santé publique |
[Role of nutrition in cancer risk] |
Saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acid intake and cancer risk: results from the French prospective cohort NutriNet-Santé |
Selenium and Prostate Cancer: Analysis of Individual Participant Data From Fifteen Prospective Studies |
Self-reported periodontal health and incident hypertension: longitudinal evidence from the NutriNet-Santé e-cohort |
Sociodemographic and economic characteristics associated with dairy intake vary across genders |
À table ! : mangez sain, dépensez moins |
Transformation des aliments et risque de pathologies chroniques dans la cohorte NutriNet-Santé |
Trends in child overweight rates and energy intake in France from 1999 to 2007: relationships with socioeconomic status |
Trends in food intake in French children from 1999 to 2007: results from the INCA (étude Individuelle Nationale des Consommations Alimentaires) dietary surveys |
Typology of eaters based on conventional and organic food consumption: results from the NutriNet-Santé cohort study |
Ultra-processed food consumption and NCD-related dietary nutrient profile in a national sample of French children and adolescents |
Ultra-processed food intake and eating disorders: Cross-sectional associations among French adults |
Ultraprocessed Food Consumption and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Among Participants of the NutriNet-Santé Prospective Cohort |
Untargeted plasma metabolomic profiles associated with overall diet in women from the SU.VI.MAX cohort |
Validation of the FSA nutrient profiling system dietary index in French adults-findings from SUVIMAX study |
Vitamin and mineral dietary supplements : epidemiological surveillance ; characteristics of consumers and association with cancer risks. |
Vitamin D or vitamin C supplement use and breast cancer risk in the E3N cohort. |
Vitamine D : statut, polymorphismes génétiques, risque de cancer et modulation par des facteurs individuels |