Acute Tetraplegia Caused by Rat Bite Fever in Snake Keeper and Transmission of Streptobacillus moniliformis. |
Aerosol Route to Administer Teicoplanin in Mechanical Ventilation: In Vitro Study, Lung Deposition and Pharmacokinetic Analyses in Pigs |
Aerosolized lidocaine during invasive mechanical ventilation: in vitro characterization and clinical efficiency to prevent systemic and cerebral hemodynamic changes induced by endotracheal suctioning in head-injured patients. |
Airway Administration of Flagellin Regulates the Inflammatory Response to <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i> |
Airway obstruction by an aortic false aneurysm |
Altération de la réponse immunitaire dépendante de l'interleukine-22 lors de pathologies respiratoires |
Altered expression of the CCN genes in the lungs of mice in response to cigarette smoke exposure and viral and bacterial infections. |
Analysis in medical regulation at the SAMU 37 of patients who benefited the sending of an SMUR for chest pain not being an ACS. |
Capillary glucose meters cannot substitute serum glucose measurement to determine the cerebrospinal fluid to blood glucose ratio: A prospective observational study |
Comparison of emergency coronary angiography in ST elevation and non-ST elevation outof- hospital cardiac arrest patients : a monocenter retrospective study. |
Computed Tomography (CT) Scanning Facilitates Early Identification of Neonatal Cystic Fibrosis Piglets |
Effect of the innate immune response in sepsis on the induction of the SOS bacterial response. |
Efficacité et sécurité de la poursuite ou non du salbutamol inhalé après introduction du salbutamol intraveineux dans la prise en charge de seconde ligne de l’asthme aigu grave de l’enfant : une étude rétrospective bicentrique |
Efficacy and safety of continuing or not continuing nebulized salbutamol after its intravenous introduction in the second-line management of pediatric acute severe asthma : a retrospective two-center study. |
Etude des propriétés anti-infectieuses des agonistes de Toll-like receptors en association avec des antibiotiques dans le traitement des infections respiratoires |
Evaluation de l’impact de la prise en charge de la délivrance pré-hospitalière sur la survenue des complications hémorragiques hospitalières : étude observationnelle rétrospective multicentrique sur 5 ans |
Évaluation de la compréhension orale à l’aide de la commande oculaire chez les patients de réanimation et les volontaires sains |
Evaluation des indicateurs de performance des scores qSOFA, MEDS et NEWS2 sur la mortalité intra-hospitalière du patient âgé admis aux urgences pour une infection, un sepsis ou un choc septique. |
Évaluation du profil métabolomique pulmonaire des pneumopathies acquises sous ventilation mécanique |
Evaluation of a flexible bronchoscope prototype designed for bronchoscopy during mechanical ventilation: a proof-of-concept study. |
An evaluation of a new single-use flexible bronchoscope with a large suction channel: reliability of bronchoalveolar lavage in ventilated piglets and initial clinical experience. |
Facteurs de mortalité des ischémies mésentériques et état des lieux de la prise en charge en réanimation : une étude réalisée en Eure et Loir de 2013 à 2022 |
FHL2 Regulates Natural Killer Cell Development and Activation during Streptococcus pneumoniae Infection |
Fiberoptic bronchoscopy in acute respiratory distress syndrome severely disrupts the protective-ventilation strategy : experimental evidence from a lung model. |
From colonization to infection : kinetics of the respiratory microbiota and microbiological characteristics of endotracheal aspirates in mechanically ventilated patients.. |
Hemodynamic collapse in prone position due to thoracic malformation. |
Hétérogénéité des réponses immunes post-septiques : approche translationnelle |
Hospitalisation des sujets âgés pour infection respiratoire aiguë : évolution sur 10 ans du recours aux soins invasifs et devenir à long terme |
Hospitalization of elderly for acute respiratory infections : evolution in ten years. |
Host immunity and Francisella tularensis : a review of tularemia in immunocompromised patients |
Identification of alveolar and blood prognosis biomarkers in acute respiratory distress syndrome. |
Immunotherapy improves the prognosis of lung cancer: do we have to change intensive care unit admission and triage guidelines? |
Impact of the first lockdown related to the COVID-19 pandemic on ophthalmic emergencies in a French University Hospital. |
Impact on the medical decision-making process of multiplex PCR assay for respiratory pathogens |
Importance des conditions pré-analytiques pour la fiabilité des analyses de biologie délocalisée en réanimation |
Importance of the pre-analytical phase for the biological point-of-care testing reliability in the intensive care unit. |
Improving quality in the preanalytical phase through innovation, on behalf of the European Federation for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) Working Group for Preanalytical Phase (WG-PRE). |
In vitro and in vivo evidence for an inflammatory role of the calcium channel TRPV4 in lung epithelium: Potential involvement in cystic fibrosis. |
Incidence and long-term outcomes of herpes simplex encephalitis hospitalised in France. |
Incidence et devenir à long terme de l’encéphalite herpétique en France |
Infections fongiques pulmonaires associées aux formes graves de pneumonies virales |
Influence du mode de ventilation mécanique sur la variation respiratoire de la pression pulsée artérielle (APP) |
Influence of positive expiratory pressure on renal function in COVID 19 patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. |
Influence of pressure- and volume-controlled ventilation on pulse pressure variations: randomized study |
Ingested dental prosthesis causing significant gastrointestinal bleeding. |
Inhaled phage therapy: a promising and challenging approach to treat bacterial respiratory infections |
Initial characteristics and outcome of hospitalized patients with amiodarone pulmonary toxicity. |
Insights on animal models to investigate inhalation therapy: Relevance for biotherapeutics. |
Intérêt d'un glucomètre pour identifier une hypoglycorachie pathologique |
Interleukin-22 receptor is overexpressed in nonsmall cell lung cancer and portends a poor prognosis |
Investigation of a cause-effect relationship between flexible bronchoscopy and pneumothorax in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. |
Kallikrein-Related Peptidase 5 Contributes to H3N2 Influenza Virus Infection in Human Lungs |
Lung and serum teicoplanin concentration after aerosol and intravenous administration in a rat model |
Maladies immunologiques systémiques rares en réanimation : nouveaux enjeux diagnostiques, pronostiques et thérapeutiques |
Management of patients who have died without resuscitation in pre-hospital emergency medicine by MICU (mobile intensive care unit) of Dreux in France : analysis of the practices regarding the clinical examination of the deceased patients and the medical-legal obstacle decision. |
Modifications des interactions patient-respirateur induites par la fibroscopie bronchique lors du syndrome de détresse respiratoire aiguë : expérience clinique, évaluation sur un modèle expérimental et perspective d’innovation |
Morbid-mortality of acute exacerbations of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. |
New Challenges in Diagnosis, Prognosis and Management of Rare Immunological Disorders in Intensive Care Unit. |
New insights into the pathophysiology of aspiration pneumonia |
Nosocomial herpes simplex encephalitis: Does it really exist? |
The preanalytical phase should be carefully assessed during the comparisons of point-of-care versus central laboratory measurements |
Predicting the microbial cause of community-acquired pneumonia: can physicians or a data-driven method differentiate viral from bacterial pneumonia at patient presentation? |
Prise en charge des patients décédés sans réanimation en médecine d’urgence pré-hospitalière par le SMUR de Dreux : analyse des pratiques de la réalisation de l’examen clinique et de la décision d’obstacle médico-légal |
Proceedings of Réanimation 2017, the French Intensive Care Society International Congress |
PSC1 versus GQS : analyse de l’offre et de la qualité de formation aux gestes de premiers secours dans les collèges d’Indre-et-Loire en 2020 |
PSC1 versus GQS : analysis of first-aid training provision and quality in French middle school in 2020. |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa proteolytically alters the interleukin 22-dependent lung mucosal defense. |
Pulmonary Delivery of Dry Powders During Invasive Mechanical Ventilation: Innovations Are Required. |
Pulmonary delivery of dry powders to rats: tolerability limits of an intra-tracheal administration model |
Pulmonary immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 infection: harmful or not? |
Pulmonary metabolomic profile assessment of Ventilator associated pneumonia. |
Quel est le vécu des proches de résidents en EHPAD qui sont confrontés à la rédaction des directives anticipées de leur proche ? |
Rapid detection of bacterial meningitis using a point-of-care glucometer |
Réévaluation des facteurs de risques et pronostic d'une admission en réanimation après une allogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques : impact sur la survie à 1 an |
Risk Factors for Mortality and Assessment of Acute Mesenteric Ischemia Management in ICU : a study conducted in Eure-et-Loir from 2013 to 2022. |
Risks associated with obese patient handling in emergency prehospital care |
Rôle de la kallicréine 5 dans le remodelage de l'épithélium bronchique associé à la bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO) |
Role of the kallikrein-related peptidase 5 in the bronchial epithelial remodeling associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). |
Severe herpetic encephalitis : monocentric retrospective study of long-term outcome and recourse of salvation decompressive craniectomy. |
Sous et surdosages en bêta-lactamines chez les patients admis en réanimation pour brûlures : incidence et facteurs associés |
Strategies for the withdrawal of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe acute respiratory failure support: a new challenge? |
Sub and supratherapeutic plasmatic concentrations of beta-lactams in patients admitted in intensive care for burn injuries : incidence and associated factors. |
[Surgical treatment of postintubation tracheal rupture] |
Syndrome de détresse respiratoire aiguë lié à la COVID-19 : évaluation échocardiographique de la fonction ventriculaire droite et critères EOLIA |
Th17 cytokines: novel potential therapeutic targets for COPD pathogenesis and exacerbations |
Vécu de la pandémie de la COVID-19 par les patients diabétiques de type 2 et influence sur leur maladie |
What is the experience of relatives of nursing home residents who are faced with writing advance directives for their loved one?. |