Anti-apoptotic activity of p53 maps to the COOH-terminal domain and is retained in a highly oncogenic natural mutant |
Applying ecological and evolutionary theory to cancer: a long and winding road |
Calpain activation by hepatitis C virus proteins inhibits the extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway |
Cancer across the tree of life: cooperation and cheating in multicellularity |
Cell shape and TGF-beta signaling define the choice of lineage during in vitro differentiation of mouse primary hepatic precursors |
The control of programmed cell death by the Raf/MAPK 1/3 pathway. |
Contrôle de la mort cellulaire par la voie des MAPK 1/3 (ERK 2/1) |
Contrôle de l'adhésion et de la migration en cohortes des hépatocytes par le TGF-beta : où il est question d'adhésion à la fibronectine |
Contrôle de l'anoi͏̈kis par les petites GTPases de la famille Rho |
Etude de la modulation de l'apoptose liée au virus de l'hépatite C (VHC) |
Etude des mécanismes de contrôle de l'apoptose par le gène suppresseur de tumeurs p53 |
Etude du rôle directe de l'expression des protéines du virus de l'hépatite C sur la voie de signalisation intra-cellualire PI3K-Akt et de son implication dans le développement du carcinome hépato-cellulaire |
Expression of human protein phosphatases during chronic HCV infection and the development of hepatocellular carcinoma |
Fidelity of DNA replication catalysed in vitro on a natural DNA template by the T4 bacteriophage multi-enzyme complex |
Hepatitis C viral protein NS5A induces EMT and participates in oncogenic transformation of primary hepatocyte precursors |
Identification of A novel isoform of the tumor suppressor gene LKB1 Having oncogenic properties. |
Impaired clearance of virus-infected hepatocytes in transgenic mice expressing the hepatitis C virus polyprotein. |
Implication de la polarité cellulaire dans la physiopathologie de progéniteurs hépatiques |
Intratumoral heterogeneity and populations dynamics in hepatocellular carcinoma : impact of Ras/MAPK Erk signaling intensity. |
Lymphotoxin signaling is initiated by the viral polymerase in HCV-linked tumorigenesis |
NOD1 Participates in the Innate Immune Response Triggered by Hepatitis C Virus Polymerase |
Oncogenic Cooperation and Metabolic Effects of FGF19 in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. |
Oncogenic properties of Twist are regulated by antioxidant activity. |
Pleiotropism of MyD88, as Determined by its Multiple Protein-Protein Interactions |
Les propriétés oncogéniques des facteurs Twist sont régulées grâce à ses propriétés antioxydantes |
The proto-oncogene c-Kit inhibits tumor growth by behaving as a dependence receptor |
Reconstruction des réseaux de régulation géniques responsables du destin cellulaire. |
Reconstruction of gene regulatory networks defining the cell fate transition processes |
Reply to: "arginase 1: a potential marker of a common pattern of liver steatosis in HCV and NAFLD children". |
Role of mitochondrial Bcl-xL in the control of cell migration. |
Le « Scavenger Récepteur B1 » est un facteur multifonctionnel de l'entrée cellulaire pour le virus de l'hépatite C. |
The Scavenger Receptor B1 is a multifunctional HCV entry factor |
Stability of expression-linked surface antigen gene in Trypanosoma equiperdum. |
Study of mechanisms involved in the control of apoptosis by the tumors suppressor gene p53. |
Study of the role of AXIN1 in hepatic physiopathology. |
Three-dimensional polarization sensitizes hepatocytes to Fas/CD95 apoptotic signalling. |
Transforming growth factor beta controls the directional migration of hepatocyte cohorts by modulating their adhesion to fibronectin. |
Twist proteins as oxidative and hypoxic stress regulators |
Le virus adéno-associé dans le foie : histoire naturelle de l'infection et conséquences sur le développement des tumeurs. |
Virus de l'Hépatite B et transcription cellulaire : impact de la protéine HBx et de ses interactions avec les ARNs non-codants |
Viruses in cancer cell plasticity: the role of hepatitis C virus in hepatocellular carcinoma |
What makes cells move: requirements and obstacles for spontaneous cell motility. |