David Baratoux researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-1785-5262
Baratoux, David, 1973-...., auteur(e) en astrophysique
Baratoux, David 1973-....
Baratoux, David
VIAF ID: 197787938 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/197787938
Preferred Forms
- 200 _ | ‡a Baratoux ‡b David ‡f 1973-....
- 100 1 _ ‡a Baratoux, David
- 100 1 _ ‡a Baratoux, David ‡d 1973-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Baratoux, David ‡d 1973-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Baratoux, David, ‡d 1973-...., ‡c auteur(e) en astrophysique
- 100 0 _ ‡a David Baratoux ‡c researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-1785-5262
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (1)
Title | Sources |
The 2015 peer reviewer appreciation | |
The Agoudal (High Atlas Mountains, Morocco) shatter cone conundrum: A recent meteorite fall onto the remnant of an impact site | |
Anomalies lunaires : une étude photographique sur les conspirations et canulars lunaires | |
Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Evidence for fluidized emplacement of the ejecta | |
The ChemCam Instrument Suite on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Rover: Science Objectives and Mast Unit Description | |
The Circum-Hellas Volcanic Province, Mars: Overview | |
La convection des fluides dans le sol de Mars et les échanges induits avec l'atmosphère et la paléo-hydrosphère de la planète | |
Crust formation and thermal history of Mars | |
Effects of ejecta accumulation on the crater population of asteroid 433 Eros | |
Étude morphologique de la formation des ravines sur les dunes martiennes : approche comparative Terre/Mars | |
Etude photométrique de la surface de Mars à partir de la caméra HRSC à bord de la sonde Mars express : préparation aux observations orbitales multi-angulaires en exploration planétaire | |
An experimental study of Hapke’s modeling of natural granular surface samples | |
Exploration et modélisation de la circulation d'air dans le Piton de la Fournaise et Cerberus Fossae (Mars) | |
Farside explorer: unique science from a mission to the farside of the moon | |
Formation de la croûte et histoire thermique Martienne. | |
The formation of floor-fractured craters in Xanthe Terra | |
The formation of shatter cones by shock wave interference during impacting | |
Géochroniques martiennes : dossier | |
Geomorphologic study of the dynamic of debris flow formation on Mars : comparative approach Earth. | |
Global change in africa | |
Gusev photometric variability as seen from orbit by HRSC/Mars-express | |
Identification of a new outflow channel on Mars in Syrtis Major Planum using HRSC/MEx data | |
Igneous mineralogy at Bradbury Rise: The first ChemCam campaign at Gale crater | |
Impact rate record by lunar rayed craters : consequences for planetary surface dating. | |
In situ U/Pb dating of impact-produced zircons from the Vargeão Dome (Southern Brazil) | |
Instrumental methods for professional and amateur collaborations in planetary astronomy | |
Lava flow rheology: A comparison of morphological and petrological methods | |
The lithosphere of Mars. | |
Long-Term Evolution of the Martian Crust-Mantle System | |
Magmatic controls on the genesis of Ni–Cu±(PGE) sulphide mineralisation on Mars | |
Magmatic intrusions and deglaciation at mid-latitude in the northern plains of Mars | |
Magnetic fabric of Araguainha complex impact structure (Central Brazil): Implications for deformation mechanisms and central uplift formation | |
Mars : embarquement immédiat | |
Martian perched craters and large ejecta volume: Evidence for episodes of deflation in the northern lowlands | |
Meteoritical Society Service Award Citation for Hasnaa Chennaoui Aoudjehane | |
Mineralogical structure of the subsurface of Syrtis Major from OMEGA observations of lobate ejecta blankets | |
Modeling of coupled desert dust with the west african climate. | |
Modélisation des couplages entre les aérosols désertiques et le climat ouest-africain | |
The morphologies of volcanic landforms at Central Elysium Planitia: Evidence for recent and fluid lavas on Mars | |
A new systematic approach using the Modified Gaussian Model: Insight for the characterization of chemical composition of olivines, pyroxenes and olivine–pyroxene mixtures | |
Nova Colinas, Maranhão State: A newly confirmed, complex impact structure in Brazil | |
Observation depuis le sol et analyse des émissions associées aux chutes des météorites sur la lune | |
Observation from the ground and analysis of emissions associated with meteoroides falling on the moon. | |
Online Mars digital elevation model derived from profiles | |
Orientation and distribution of recent gullies in the southern hemisphere of Mars: Observations from High Resolution Stereo Camera/Mars Express (HRSC/MEX) and Mars Orbiter Camera/Mars Global Surveyor (MOC/MGS) data | |
The origin of the potassium‐rich annular zones at the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana, investigated by field study, radiometric analysis, and first cosmogenic nuclide data | |
Petrological constraints on the density of the Martian crust | |
The petrological expression of early Mars volcanism | |
Power and duration of impact flashes on the Moon: Implication for the cause of radiation | |
Processus géophysiques de surface des plaines de lave de la Province volcanique de Cerberus, Mars | |
Properties of craters on the Achaia region of Asteroid (21) Lutetia | |
Prospecting for possible impact structures in Morocco | |
Quantifying geological processes on Mars—Results of the high resolution stereo camera (HRSC) on Mars express | |
Reconstructing the total shortening history of the NW Himalaya | |
The Second Arab Impact Cratering and Astrogeology Conference, Casablanca, 14-20 November 2011-A bridge between geoscientists and astronomers | |
Segregation of olivine grains in volcanic sands in Iceland and implications for Mars | |
Seventeen years of the “La Clapière” landslide evolution analysed from ortho-rectified aerial photographs | |
Shape, rheology and emplacement times of small martian shield volcanoes | |
Simulation of the capabilities of an orbiter for monitoring the entry of interplanetary matter into the terrestrial atmosphere | |
Sinuous gullies on Mars: Frequency, distribution, and implications for flow properties | |
Size and Shape Constraints of (486958) Arrokoth from Stellar Occultations | |
Study of the influence of environmental factors on airborne gamma-ray spectrometry and application to environmental survey. | |
Surface motion of mountain glaciers derived from satellite optical imagery | |
Tectonic Evolution of the Malian part of the Kédougou-Kéniéba Inlier (KKI) : implication for gold mineralization. | |
Thank You to Our 2018 Peer Reviewers | |
Thermal analysis of fractures at Cerberus Fossae, Mars: Detection of air convection in the porous debris apron | |
Thermal anomalies on pit craters and sinuous rilles of Arsia Mons: Possible signatures of atmospheric gas circulation in the volcano | |
Thermal history of Mars inferred from orbital geochemistry of volcanic provinces | |
Thermal history of the H-chondrite parent body: Implications for metamorphic grade and accretionary time-scales | |
Thermal infrared image analysis of a quiescent cone on Piton de la Fournaise volcano: Evidence of convective air flow within an unconsolidated soil | |
Thermal properties of lobate ejecta in Syrtis Major, Mars: Implications for the mechanisms of formation | |
Topographie martienne haute-résolution et dynamique des cratères d'impact à Ejecta Lobès : conséquences sur la distribution de l'eau sur Mars | |
Viscous flow behavior of tholeiitic and alkaline Fe-rich martian basalts | |
The volcanic history of central Elysium Planitia: Implications for martian magmatism | |
Volcanic sands of Iceland - Diverse origins of aeolian sand deposits revealed at Dyngjusandur and Lambahraun |