Bureau, Fabrice, 1966-...., enseignant-chercheur en biologie des populations et écologie
Fabrice Bureau
VIAF ID: 196150635 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/196150635
Preferred Forms
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (2)
5xx's: Related Names (2)
- 511 2 _ ‡a Étude et compréhension de la biodiversité (Mont-Saint-Aignan, Seine-Maritime)
- 511 2 _ ‡a Université de Rouen Normandie
Title | Sources |
A comparison of permanent and fluctuating flooding on microbial properties in an ex-situ estuarine riparian system | |
Correlations between PAH bioavailability, degrading bacteria, and soil characteristics during PAH biodegradation in five diffusely contaminated dissimilar soils | |
Effects of changes in agricultural practices on diversity of earthworms and Collembola - Consequences on their associated functions. | |
Effets des changements de pratiques agronomiques sur la diversité des vers de terre et collemboles- conséquences sur leurs fonctions associées. | |
[Factors controlling soil macrofauna spatial pattern in a pure beech and a mixed beech-hornbeam forest] | |
GammaProteobacteria as a potential bioindicator of a multiple contamination by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in agricultural soils. | |
Impact of lignite on the physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of soils : application to soils of mine basin of Provence. | |
Real-time PCR for quantification in soil of glycoside hydrolase family 6 cellulase genes | |
Wetlands in the lower Seine valley | |
Zones humides de la basse vallée de la Seine |