Capowiez, Yvan
Yvan Capowiez Chercheur français
VIAF ID: 195210492 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Capowiez, Yvan
- 100 0 _ ‡a Yvan Capowiez ‡c Chercheur français
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (3)
Title | Sources |
Assessing ecotoxicity and uptake of metals and metalloids in relation to two different earthworm species (Eiseina hortensis and Lumbricus terrestris). | |
Assessing ground predation by invertebrates in crops: Camera observations clarify the relevance of aphid cards and coleopteran sentinel prey | |
B-type esterases in the snail Xeropicta derbentina: an enzymological analysis to evaluate their use as biomarkers of pesticide exposure | |
Bioavailability of copper and zinc for plants and earthworms : interactions between the effects of organic fertilization on long-term and organisms on the evolution of soil physico-chemical properties. | |
Biodisponibilité du cuivre et du zinc pour les plantes et les vers de terre : interactions entre les effets de fertilisants organiques sur le long-terme et des organismes sur l'évolution des propriétés physico-chimiques du sol | |
Biological control by conservation in apple yards : Can we manipulate spider communities to increase their effectiveness against some pests?. | |
Bottom-up effects of abiotic factors on aphid parasitoid specialization. | |
Carboxylesterase activity in earthworm gut contents: Potential (eco)toxicological implications | |
Cholinesterase activity as a biomarker of pesticide exposure in Allolobophora chlorotica earthworms living in apple orchards under different management strategies | |
Contrôle biologique par conservation effets des plantes non cultivées sur les communautés d'arthropodes inféodées aux agrosystèmes | |
Current use of and future needs for soil invertebrate functional traits in community ecology | |
Decreased burrowing activity of endogeic earthworms and effects on water infiltration in response to an increase in soil bulk density | |
Earthworm cast production as a new behavioural biomarker for toxicity testing | |
Earthworm ecological categories are not functional groups | |
Effects of historic metal(loid) pollution on earthworm communities | |
Effet bottom-up du stress hydrique sur la gamme d'hôtes des parasitoïdes de pucerons | |
Elucidating pesticide sensitivity of two endogeic earthworm species through the interplay between esterases and glutathione S-transferases | |
Etude et modélisation des impacts des pratiques agricoles sur l'abondance des communautés microbiennes des sols : dynamiques à l'échelle du paysage | |
Evaluation des impacts environnementaux liés aux pratiques phytosanitaires en vergers de pommiers : approches écotoxicologique et écologique utilisant un auxiliaire des cultures, le forficule | |
Evaluation of environmental impacts associated to plant protection practices in apple orchards : ecotoxicological and ecological approaches using a biocontrol agent, the earwig. | |
Exotic earthworm community composition interacts with soil texture to affect redistribution and retention of litter-derived C and N in northern temperate forest soils | |
An exploratory study of energy reserves and biometry as potential tools for assessing the effects of pest management strategies on the earwig, Forficula auricularia L | |
Facteurs de régulation naturelle des bio-agresseurs par les cortèges de prédateurs généralistes : effets microclimatiques dans un système maraîcher agroforestier biologique | |
Global distribution of earthworm diversity | |
How lasting are the effects of pesticides on earwigs? A study based on energy metabolism, body weight and morphometry in two generations of Forficula auricularia from apple orchards | |
How multiple-pest attack impacts plant-mediated indirect interactions on tomato crops?. | |
Impact de la gestion de l'enherbement dans les vignobles sur les arthropodes et la fonction de prédation | |
Impact of insecticide exposure on the predation activity of the European earwig Forficula auricularia | |
The impact of management strategies in apple orchards on the structural and functional diversity of epigeal spiders | |
Impact of soil compaction on earthworm burrow systems using X-ray computed tomography: preliminary study | |
Impact of various non-cropped components of landscape element on phytophagous and natural enemies. | |
Impacts de l'épandage agricole de matières fertilisantes d'origine résiduaire (Mafors) sur les organismes terrestres | |
Impacts of agricultural spreading of organic amendment on terrestrial organisms. | |
Influence of earthworm bioturbation on metals phytoavailability and human gastric bioaccessibility | |
Influence of plants, earthworms and organic matter on the constructed technosols structure. | |
Intensification de l'agriculture biologique : conséquences sur la régulation des phytophages en vergers de pommiers | |
Intensification of organic farming : impact on the regulation of phytophagous in apple orchards. | |
Interactions indirectes médiées par la plante sous contraintes biotiques multiples | |
Interspecific differences in biochemical and behavioral biomarkers in endogeic earthworms exposed to ethyl-parathion | |
Lutte biologique par conversation dans les vergers de pommiers : peut-on manipuler les communautés d'araignées pour augmenter leur efficacité contre certains ravageurs | |
Metabolic mechanisms and acetylcholinesterase sensitivity involved in tolerance to chlorpyrifos-ethyl in the earwig Forficula auricularia | |
Modélisation, simulation et analyse de propriétés de réseaux orbitèles | |
Morphological and functional characterisation of the burrow systems of six earthworm species (Lumbricidae) | |
Natural regulatory factors of bio-aggressors by generalist predator processions : microclimatic effects in an organic agroforestry market gardening system. | |
Nerve conduction velocity as a non-destructive biomarker in the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa exposed to insecticides | |
Phenotypic diversity, population structure and stress protein-based capacitoring in populations of Xeropicta derbentina, a heat-tolerant land snail species | |
Physiological and behavioural effects of imidacloprid on two ecologically relevant earthworm species (Lumbricus terrestris and Aporrectodea caliginosa) | |
Potential of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) for identifying termite species | |
Quantitative estimates of burrow construction and destruction, by anecic and endogeic earthworms in repacked soil cores | |
Rôle de la synergie microbiote intestinal-vers de terre sur la contamination des sols. | |
Rôle des ennemis naturels dans la lutte biologique contre le puceron cendré, Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini (Hemiptera: Aphididae) en vergers de pommiers | |
Role of natural enemies in biological pest control against rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) in apple orchards. | |
Sanitary and environmental biomonitoring of polluted soil by metallic trace elements. | |
Shell colouration and antioxidant defence capacity in Theba pisana (O.F. Müller, 1774) | |
Snail phenotypic variation and stress proteins: do different heat response strategies contribute to Waddington's widget in field populations? | |
Soil enzyme dynamics in chlorpyrifos-treated soils under the influence of earthworms | |
Soil microbial respiration and PICT responses to an industrial and historic lead pollution: a field study | |
Solar radiation stress in climbing snails: behavioural and intrinsic features define the Hsp70 level in natural populations of Xeropicta derbentina (Pulmonata) | |
Spinosad application in an apple orchard affects both the abundance of the spider Araneus diadematus and its web construction behaviour | |
Studying and modelling the abundance of soil microbial communities in response to agricultural practices : dynamics at the landscape scale. | |
Synergistic interaction earthworm-microbiota : a role in the tolerance and detoxification of pesticides? | |
A thesaurus for soil invertebrate trait-based approaches | |
Tissue distribution, characterization and in vitro inhibition of B-esterases in the earwig Forficula auricularia | |
Towards a spatiotemporally explicit toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic model for earthworm toxicity | |
Using earthworms as model organisms in the laboratory: Recommendations for experimental implementations | |
Utilization of earthworms and termites for the restoration of ecosystem functioning | |
Valorisation des biodéchets urbains par vermicompostage sur des sols de grandes cultures conduits en AB : une pratique agroécologique pour préserver la biodiversité des sols ? | |
Valorization of urban biowaste by vermicomposting on soils conducted in AB : an agroecological practice to preserve soil biodiversity?. |