The challenges and opportunities of addressing particle size effects in sediment source fingerprinting: A review |
Chasing water |
Combination of geochemical tracers for reconstructing contaminant trajectories in an industrialized and anthropized. |
Combining 137Cs measurements and a spatially distributed erosion model to assess soil redistribution in a hedgerow landscape in northwestern France (1960–2010) |
Combining colour parameters and geochemical tracers to improve sediment source discrimination in a mining catchment (New Caledonia, South Pacific Islands) |
Combining measurements and modelling to quantify the contribution of atmospheric fallout, local industry and road traffic to PAH stocks in contrasting catchments |
Compréhension de la dynamique particulaire d'un bassin versant périurbain par géochimie multi-élémentaire organique et minérale |
Core-derived historical records of suspended sediment origin in a mesoscale mountainous catchment: the River Bléone, French Alps |
crise de l'eau de la pénurie à la gestion durable |
Development of fingerprinting methods to quantify the impact on nickel mining on river hyper-sedimentation and lagoon siltation of New Caledonia. |
Developments of methods for identifying and characterizing particles containing actinides emitted during Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. |
Développement de l'analyse isotopique 135Cs/137Cs adaptée aux sols et aux sédiments faiblement contaminés pour identifier l'origine du radiocésium dans l'environnement |
Développement de méthodes de traçage sédimentaire pour quantifier l'impact des mines de nickel sur l'hyper-sédimentation des rivières et l'envasement des lagons de Nouvelle-Calédonie |
Développement de méthodes d'identification et de caractérisation de particules contenant des actinides émis lors de l'accident de la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima |
Earth : portrait of a planet |
Environmental DNA provides information on sediment sources: A study in catchments affected by Fukushima radioactive fallout |
Etude des problématiques érosives en Territoire Hauts-de-France : compréhension des dynamiques des flux hydrosédimentaires et de leur rôle sur la qualité des cours d'eau |
Les flux de carbone le long du continuum terre-océan européen par modèles et observations. |
From shifting cultivation to teak plantation: effect on overland flow and sediment yield in a montane tropical catchment. |
Global warming : the complete briefing |
Identificação de fontes de sedimento em bacias hidrográficas rurais do sul do Brasil. |
The impact of typhoons on sediment connectivity: lessons learnt from contaminated coastal catchments of the Fukushima Prefecture (Japan) |
Impact of urban pressure on the spatial and temporal dynamics of PAH fluxes in an urban tributary of the Seine River (France) |
Investigating the metal contamination of sediment transported by the 2016 Seine River flood (Paris, France) |
Investigating the relationships between chemical element concentrations and discharge to improve our understanding of their transport patterns in rural catchments under subtropical climate conditions |
Investigating the source of radiocesium contaminated sediment in two Fukushima coastal catchments with sediment tracing techniques |
Investigating the temporal dynamics of suspended sediment during flood events with 7Be and 210Pbxs measurements in a drained lowland catchment |
Modélisation distribuée de l'aléa érosif dans le bassin versant de la Loire et nouvelles perspectives de validation |
Modelling the impact of land use change and rainfall seasonality on sediment export from an agricultural catchment of the northwestern European loess belt |
Multi-scale analysis of water erosion processes and sedimentary transfer in agricultural territory : example of the Canche river catchment (France). |
A new method for determining 236U/238U isotope ratios in environmental samples by means OF ICP-MS/MS |
A new methodological approach using grain shape as a tool for sediment source to sink transfer studies in watersheds. |
Novel insights into Fukushima nuclear accident from isotopic evidence of plutonium spread along coastal rivers |
Organisation d'un service départemental d'incendie et de secours de deuxième catégorie face aux risques NRBC |
Persistence and transfers of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the upstream seine river basin. |
Quantifying sediment source contributions in contrasted agricultural catchments (Uruguay River, Southern Brazil) |
Quantifying suspended sediment sources during runoff events in headwater catchments using spectrocolorimetry |
Quantifying the dominant sources of sediment in a drained lowland agricultural catchment: The application of a thorium-based particle size correction in sediment fingerprinting |
Radiocesium transfer from hillslopes to the Pacific Ocean after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident: A review |
Rainfall erosivity in catchments contaminated with fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident |
réchauffement climatique un état des lieux complet |
Reconstruction of uranium and plutonium isotopic signatures in sediment accumulated in the Mano Dam reservoir, Japan, before and after the Fukushima nuclear accident |
Redistribution des isotopes de l'uranium et du plutonium présents à l'état d'ultra-traces dans les sédiments des fleuves côtiers drainant le panache radioactif de Fukushima |
Relative Contribution of Rill/Interrill and Gully/Channel Erosion to Small Reservoir Siltation in Mediterranean Environments |
Reliability of an expert-based runoff and erosion model: Application of STREAM to different environments |
Rémanence et transferts des Hydrocarbures Aromatiques Polycycliques dans le bassin amont de la Seine |
Remanence of lead pollution in an urban river system: a multi-scale temporal and spatial study in the Seine River basin, France |
Renewed soil erosion and remobilisation of radioactive sediment in Fukushima coastal rivers after the 2013 typhoons |
Silver and thallium historical trends in the Seine River basin |
Source dynamics of radiocesium-contaminated particulate matter deposited in an agricultural water reservoir after the Fukushima nuclear accident. |
Sources and export of particle-borne organic matter during a monsoon flood in a catchment of northern Laos |
Spatial and temporal variability of (7)Be and (210)Pb wet deposition during four successive monsoon storms in a catchment of northern Laos |
Study of erosive issues in the Hauts-de-France region : understanding the dynamics of hydrosedimentary fluxes and their impact on watercourse quality. |
Suspended sediment source and propagation during monsoon events across nested sub-catchments with contrasted land uses in Laos |
Synthèse de microparticules de silicates riches en césium par interaction de combustible en fusion avec du béton : simulation expérimentale de phénomènes présents lors de l'accident de Fukushima Daiichi |
Temporal variability of suspended sediment sources in an alpine catchment combining river/rainfall monitoring and sediment fingerprinting |
Terre portrait d'une planète |
Traçage des sources de sédiments dans des bassins versants agricoles du sud du Brésil. |
Traçage des sources et quantification de la dynamique des sédiments en crue : application au bassin tropical montagneux de la Houay Xon au Laos |
Tracing hotspots of soil erosion in high mountain environments: how forensic science based on plant eDNA can lead the way. An opinion |
Tracing sediment sources during floods using Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometry (DRIFTS): A case study in a highly erosive mountainous catchment (Southern French Alps) |
Tracing sediment sources in a tropical highland catchment of central Mexico by using conventional and alternative fingerprinting methods |
Tracing the origin of suspended sediment in a large Mediterranean river by combining continuous river monitoring and measurement of artificial and natural radionuclides |
Tracing the sources of suspended sediment and particle-bound trace metal elements in an urban catchment coupling elemental and isotopic geochemistry, and fallout radionuclides |
Tracking the early dispersion of contaminated sediment along rivers draining the Fukushima radioactive pollution plume |
Understanding a peri-urban catchment area sedimentary dynamic by organic and mineral multi-elemental geochemistry. |
Use of fallout radionuclides ((7)Be, (210)Pb) to estimate resuspension of Escherichia coli from streambed sediments during floods in a tropical montane catchment. |
Utilisation de la morphogranulométrie dans le suivi source to sink du transfert particulaire dans les bassins versants |
Why did so few refugees return to the Fukushima fallout-impacted region after remediation? An interdisciplinary case study from Iitate village, Japan |
A worldwide meta-analysis (1977–2020) of sediment core dating using fallout radionuclides including <sup>137</sup>Cs and <sup>210</sup>Pb<sub>xs</sub> |