Alien palm invasion leads to selective biotic filtering of resident plant communities towards competitive functional traits |
artikull shkencor i botuar në vitin 2023 |
The crucial role of blue light as a driver of litter photodegradation in terrestrial ecosystems |
Disentangling native and alien plant diversity in coastal sand dune ecosystems worldwide |
Dispersal limitation vs recruitment limitation in local assembly rules of plant communities within agricultural landscapes. |
Does disturbance drive the collapse of biotic interactions at the severe end of a diversity–biomass gradient? |
Earthworms promote greater richness and abundance in the emergence of plant species across a grassland-forest ecotone |
Ecological mechanisms determining hot spots of biodiversity in Aquitaine's coastal sand dunes. |
Effects of cast properties and passage through the earthworm gut on seed germination and seedling growth |
Facilitation in plant communities: the past, the present, and the future |
Fat but slim: Criteria of seed attractiveness for earthworms |
Functional Assemblages of Collembola Determine Soil Microbial Communities and Associated Functions |
A functional trait‐based approach to assess the impact of an alien palm invasion on plant and soil communities on a South Pacific island |
The global spectrum of plant form and function: enhanced species-level trait dataset |
Green roofs and ecosystem services : enhancing multifunctionality through soil-plant interactions and plant diversity. |
Impact du feu sur la démographie des Graminées de savane (Lamto, Côte d'Ivoire) |
Impact of an ecosystem engineer species and its use in ecological restoration : the case of Messor barbarus (L.) in Mediterranean grasslands. |
Impact of fire on the demography of savanna grasses (Lamto, Ivory Coast). |
Importance de la perturbation, du stress et des interactions biotiques sur la diversité végétale des dunes littorales d'Aquitaine |
Importance du réseau trophique du sol dans la stabilité du fonctionnement des écosystèmes forestiers méditerranéens soumis au changement climatique |
Importance of earthworm–seed interactions for the composition and structure of plant communities: A review |
Importance of the soil food web in the functioning of Mediterranean forest ecosystems submitted to climate change. |
Importance relative des processus de dispersion et de recrutement dans la dynamique d'assemblage des communautés végétales en paysage agricole |
Increasing Functional Diversity in a Global Land Surface Model Illustrates Uncertainties Related to Parameter Simplification |
Increasing temperature and decreasing specific leaf area amplify centipede predation impact on Collembola |
Inoculation of an ecosystem engineer (Earthworm: Lumbricus terrestris ) during experimental grassland restoration: Consequences for above and belowground soil compartments |
The interactions between soil type and earthworm species determine the properties of earthworm casts |
An invasive and native plant differ in their effects on the soil food-web and plant-soil phosphorus cycle |
Invasive knotweed modifies predator–prey interactions in the soil food web |
Light after death : the importance of spectral composition in litter decomposition processes. |
Liming impacts Fagus sylvatica leaf traits and litter decomposition 25 years after amendment |
La lumière après la mort : l'importance de la lumière du soleil dans les processus de décomposition de la litière |
Mapping local and global variability in plant trait distributions |
Non-native earthworms promote plant invasion by ingesting seeds and modifying soil properties |
Old nurses always die: impacts of nurse age on local plant richness |
Phylogenetic patterns and phenotypic profiles of the species of plants and mammals farmed for food |
Relations graines-vers de terre : sélection de la graine et réponse des communautés végétales |
The relative importance of disturbance and environmental stress at local and regional scales in French coastal sand dunes |
Réponse de la flore, de la faune du sol et de leur substrat à l'introduction d'espèces exotiques envahissantes végétales. |
Response of native flora, soil fauna and their habitat to the introduction of invasive alien species. |
Rôle de la diversité des vers de terre dans le fonctionnement des sols : application à l'ingénierie pédologique. |
Rôle des interactions biophysiques dans la dynamique dunaire en réponse aux perturbations |
The role of earthworm diversity in soil functioning : application to soil engineering. |
Root traits explain plant species distributions along climatic gradients yet challenge the nature of ecological trade-offs |
Seed selection by earthworms: chemical seed properties matter more than morphological traits |
Shifts and linkages of functional diversity between above‐ and below‐ground compartments along a flooding gradient |
Soil fauna responses to invasive alien plants are determined by trophic groups and habitat structure: a global meta‐analysis |
Solar UV-A radiation and blue light enhance tree leaf litter decomposition in a temperate forest |
sPlot – A new tool for global vegetation analyses |
A synthesis of biological invasion hypotheses associated with the introduction–naturalisation–invasion continuum |
Toitures végétalisées et services écosystémiques : favoriser la multifonctionnalité via les interactions sols-plantes et la diversité végétale |
Tree species richness induces strong intraspecific variability of beech (Fagus sylvatica) leaf traits and alleviates edaphic stress |
TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access |
Ultraviolet radiation accelerates photodegradation under controlled conditions but slows the decomposition of senescent leaves from forest stands in southern Finland |
Variation de l'intensité de la facilitation avec la salinité et l'aridité dans les dépressions salines continentales de Tunisie. |
Variations of functional traits and strategies in (sub)alpine plants along elevation gradients in a temperate and a tropical region. |
Vulnérabilité et restauration de la végétation et des sols pour l'intégration écologique des centrales photovoltaïques |