1978-2014 : démographie et suivi d'installation des chirurgiens dentistes diplômés de l'UFR d'odontologie de Brest depuis sa création |
Applications cliniques de la recherche |
B-cell and T-cell quantification in minor salivary glands in primary Sjögren's syndrome: development and validation of a pixel-based digital procedure |
B cell response to surface IgM cross-linking identifies different prognostic groups of B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients |
B cell subset distribution is altered in patients with severe periodontitis. |
B-cell tolerance breakdown in Sjögren's syndrome: focus on BAFF. |
B lymphocytes are required for development and treatment of autoimmune diseases |
Caractérisation des lymphocytes B régulateurs chez l'Homme |
A case for the graft-versus-host disease as a model for B cell-mediated autoimmunity |
CD5-positive B cells at the crossroads of B cell malignancy and nonorgan-specific autoimmunity |
CD5 promotes IL-10 production in chronic lymphocytic leukemia B cells through STAT3 and NFAT2 activation |
Comparison of 2002 AECG and 2016 ACR/EULAR classification criteria and added value of salivary gland ultrasonography in a patient cohort with suspected primary Sjögren's syndrome |
La complexité des différentes formes de BAFF et leurs incidences fonctionnelles. |
The complexity of the BAFF forms and their functional implications |
The contribution of epigenetics in Sjögren's Syndrome |
Contrôle de la fonction régulatrice des lymphocytes B : effet du Glatiramer Acetate |
Correction of abnormal B-cell subset distribution by interleukin-6 receptor blockade in polymyalgia rheumatica |
Development of the Sjögren's Syndrome Responder Index, a data-driven composite endpoint for assessing treatment efficacy |
Diagnostic accuracy of blood B-cell subset profiling and autoimmunity markers in Sjögren's syndrome |
The Differential Diagnosis of Dry Eyes, Dry Mouth, and Parotidomegaly: A Comprehensive Review |
Ectopic germinal centers are rare in Sjogren's syndrome salivary glands and do not exclude autoreactive B cells |
Endothelium, a target for immune-mediated assault in connective tissue disease |
Etude des conséquences d'un traitement par anticorps anti-TNF-[alpha] sur la maladie parodontale |
The Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand, a mediator of B cell survival, is also a marker of lymphoma in primary Sjögren's syndrome |
The future of B cell-targeted therapies in Sjögren's syndrome |
Geo-epidemiology and autoimmunity. |
Identification and phenotyping of circulating autoreactive proteinase 3-specific B cells in patients with PR3-ANCA associated vasculitis and healthy controls |
Identification of patients with indolent B cell lymphoma sensitive to rituximab monotherapy. |
Immunopathology of primary Sjögren's syndrome (role of B lymphocyte, FLT3 ligand and BAFF) and the clinical consequences |
In-depth characterization of CD24(high)CD38(high) transitional human B cells reveals different regulatory profiles |
In Sjögren's syndrome, B lymphocytes induce epithelial cells of salivary glands into apoptosis through protein kinase C delta activation |
Incidence du golimumab et du rituximab sur le parodonte des patients atteints de polyarthrite rhumatoïde : élaboration du protocole clinique et résultats préliminaires |
Infectious agents and B cell tolerance breakdown : study of affinity maturation and plasma-cell differentiation processes during bacterial infection in a new autoreactive knock-in mouse model. |
Intérêt diagnostique du dosage des anticorps anti-nucléaires anti-SSA et anti-SSB dans le syndrome de Gougerot-Sjogren |
Intérêt du PRF dans la qualité de la cicatrisation état actuel des connaissances et controverses |
The international symposium on Sjögren's syndrome in Brest: the "top of the tops" at the "tip of the tips". |
Intravenous immunoglobulin and cytokines: focus on tumor necrosis factor family members BAFF and APRIL. |
Intravenous immunoglobulin induces a functional silencing program similar to anergy in human B cells |
The late news on baff in autoimmune diseases |
Level of agreement between 2002 American-European Consensus Group and 2012 American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for Sjögren's syndrome and reasons for discrepancies |
Le lymphocyte B dans la maladie parodontale |
Lymphocytes B régulateurs dans la GVH chronique humaine et rôle de la myosine 18A dans la cytotoxicité des lymphocytes NK |
Les manifestations bucco-dentaires de la réaction du greffon contre l'hôte |
Mécanismes cellulaires impliqués dans la résistance à l'immunothérapie anti-lymphocytes B au cours de la leucémie lymphoïde chronique |
Memory B-cell aggregates in skin biopsy are diagnostic for primary Sjögren's syndrome. |
Le milieu buccal : un écosystème : de l'équilibre au déséquilibre |
Mise en place d'un protocole d'évaluation de l'indice de résistance de l'échographie Doppler comme outil de suivi de la sécrétion salivaire chez des patients porteurs de xérostomie et traités par Pilocarpine |
La molécule CD5 : son rôle dans l'apoptose des lymphocytes B |
Monoclonal anti-CD20 antibodies: mechanisms of action and monitoring of biological effects |
The mosaic of B-cell subsets (with special emphasis on primary Sjögren's syndrome). |
A new approach to comparing anti-CD20 antibodies: importance of the lipid rafts in their lytic efficiency |
A new molecular classification to drive precision treatment strategies in primary Sjögren's syndrome |
Oral inflammation and Epstein-Barr virus infections : towards a new paradigm in oral pathogenesis. |
Pathophysiological cytokine network in primary Sjögren's syndrome |
Periodontitis and inflammation : a clinical and biological approach to the role of B cells. |
Peripheral-blood b-cell subset disturbances in inflammatory joint diseases induced by Tropheryma whipplei |
Pierre Youinou: life contribution to autoimmunity |
Rationale for Targeting CD6 as a Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases |
Rationale for treating primary Sjögren's syndrome patients with an anti-CD6 monoclonal antibody (Itolizumab). |
Recent progress in the understanding of B-cell functions in autoimmunity |
Regulatory B cells: an exciting target for future therapeutics in transplantation |
Regulatory B cells in human chronic graft-versus-host disease and role of myosin 18A in NK cell cytotoxicity. |
Regulatory lymphocytes: a new cooperation between T and B cells for a better control of the immune response |
Reliability of histopathological salivary gland biopsy assessment in Sjogren's syndrome: a multicentre cohort study |
Review: intravenous immunoglobulin and B cells: when the product regulates the producer |
Rôle du TLR9 dans la maturation des lymphocytes B : implication dans la physiologie du syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren |
Role of B-cell antigen receptor-associated molecules and lipid rafts in CD5-induced apoptosis of B CLL cells |
The role of CD5-expressing B cells in health and disease (review). |
Santé bucco-dentaire et syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren : Etude prospective |
Set up of a standardized procedure to harmonize flow cytometry data as part of multi-center studies. |
Signature moléculaire des lymphocytes B régulateurs en physiologie et en pathologie |
TLR9 drives the development of transitional B cells towards the marginal zone pathway and promotes autoimmunity |
TLR9 expressed on plasma membrane acts as a negative regulator of human B cell response |
Treatment of primary Sjögren syndrome with rituximab: a randomized trial |
Which and How Many Patients Should Be Included in Randomised Controlled Trials to Demonstrate the Efficacy of Biologics in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome? |