Grzybkowska, Maria 1948-
Maria Grzybkowska
Grzybkowska, Maria (1948-2023)
VIAF ID: 161627314 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Grzybkowska, Maria ‡d 1948-
- 100 0 _ ‡a Maria Grzybkowska
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (10)
Title | Sources |
50 lat biologii i nauk o Ziemi w Uniwersytecie Łódzkim (1945-1995) / [red. Wanda Małgorzata Krajewska]. - Łódź, 1995. | |
Bentofauna w nizinnej rzece o silnie modyfikowanym przepływie | |
Biocenoza zanurzonych makrofitów w Warcie poniżej tamy | |
Budowa przewodu pokarmowego larw niektórych Tanypodinae (Diptera, Chironomidae) | |
Chironomids in an impacted lowland river | |
Chromidae w bentosie i dryfie [...] | |
Communities of Chironomidae (Diptera) above and below a reservoir on a lowland river : long-term study | |
Diet overlap between two cyprinids: eurytopic roach and rheophilic dace in tailwater submersed macrophyte patches | |
Distribution patterns of epiphytic reed-associated macroinvertebrate communities across European shallow lakes | |
Effects of Hydrological Disturbance of Different Magnitude on Riverine Habitats and Benthic Invertebrates | |
Environmental Variables Influencing Chironomid Assemblages (Diptera: Chironomidae) in Lowland Rivers of Central Poland | |
Ephemera danica (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae) As a Resource for Two Commensals: Ciliated Protozoans (Sessilida) and Chironomids (Diptera). | |
Feeding activity of spined loach Cobitis sp. in Lake Lucień, Poland | |
Food niche partitioning between perch and ruffe: Combined use of a self-organising map and the IndVal index for analysing fish diet | |
The food preferences of three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus L., downstream from a dam reservoir | |
The food resources exploitation by small-sized fish in a riverine macrophyte habitat | |
Habitats and trophic relationships of Chironomidae insect larvae from the Sepotuba River basin, Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil | |
Heavy metals in the bottom sediments of the lowland Mroga River | |
Influence of dam removal on trichopteran assemblages in the lowland Drzewiczka River, Poland | |
Influence of natural organic matter and metal accumulation in sediment on riverine macrobenthic assemblages | |
Łódź broni się przed betonozą | |
Lokalna i regionalna różnorodność gatunkowa Chironomidae (Diptera) w rzekach centralnej Polski = Local and regional species diversity of Chironomidae (Diptera) in rivers of central Poland | |
Metale ciężkie w osadach dennych nizinnej rzeki Mrogi | |
Opis larw IV stadium Ablabesmyia phatta (Egger, 1863) (Diptera, Chironomidae) | |
Orzęski epizoiczne na larwach Glyptotendipes gripekoveni K. (Diptera, Chironomidae) = Epizoic ciliates on the larvae of Glyptotendipes gripekoveni K. (Diptera, Chironomidae) | |
Patterning of impoundment impact on chironomid assemblages and their environment with use of the self-organizing map (SOM) | |
Przegęszczona płoć i jej baza pokarmowa zasobna w zooplankton poniżej tamy zbiornika Jeziorsko | |
Stroenie piŝevaritel'nogo kanala ličinok nekotoryh Tanypodinae (Diptera, Chironomidae) | |
Submersed aquatic macrophytes and associated fauna as an effect of dam operation on a large lowland river | |
Summer co-existence of small-sized cyprinid and percid individuals in natural and impounded stretches of a lowland river: food niche partitioning among fishes. | |
Wpływ piętrzenia nizinnych rzek na biologię wybranych grup owadów | |
Wpływ renaturyzacji nizinnej rzeki na biologię chruścików (Trichoptera) | |
Wpływ zbiornika Jeziorsko na ochotkowate (Chironomidae, Dipetria) i ich bazę pokarmową w Warcie poniżej piętrzenia | |
Wulkaniczne jezioro ochotek (Lake Myvatn) w kraju ognia i lodu (Islandia) | |
Za i przeciw owadom na talerzu |