Calibration of ocean color scanners: how much error is acceptable in the near infrared? |
Calibration of SeaWiFS. II. Vicarious techniques. |
Characterization of global ocean turbidity from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer ocean color observations |
Characterization of turbidity in Florida's Lake Okeechobee and Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie estuaries using MODIS-Aqua measurements |
Chlorophyll-Specific Absorption Coefficient of Phytoplankton in World Oceans: Seasonal and Regional Variability |
Correction of Sun glint Contamination on the SeaWiFS Ocean and Atmosphere Products. |
Deriving Total Suspended Matter Concentration from the Near-Infrared-Based Inherent Optical Properties over Turbid Waters: A Case Study in Lake Taihu |
Deriving VIIRS High-Spatial Resolution Water Property Data over Coastal and Inland Waters Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network |
The diffuse attenuation coefficient model in the Yellow Sea for the Korean Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) |
Effects of ocean surface reflectance variation with solar elevation on normalized water-leaving radiance |
Estimating aerosol optical properties over the oceans with the multiangle imaging spectroadiometer: some preliminary studies. |
Evaluation of ocean color data processing schemes for VIIRS sensor using in-situ data of coastal AERONET-OC sites |
Evaluation of sun glint models using MODIS measurements |
Examples of aerosol model effects in SeaWiFS atmospheric correction |
Extrapolation of the aerosol reflectance from the near-infrared to the visible: the single-scattering epsilon vs multiple-scattering epsilon method |
Identification of pixels with stray light and cloud shadow contaminations in the satellite ocean color data processing |
Impacts of VIIRS SDR performance on ocean color products |
Intercomparison of satellite retrieved aerosol optical depth over ocean during the period September 1997 to December 2000 |
Investigation and Mitigation of the Crosstalk Effect in Terra MODIS Band 30 |
Near-Real-Time Ocean Color Data Processing Using Ancillary Data From the Global Forecast System Model |
The NIR-SWIR combined atmospheric correction approach for MODIS ocean color data processing |
NOAA-20 VIIRS polarization effect and its correction |
NOAA-NASA Coastal Zone Color Scanner reanalysis effort |
Ocean Dynamics Observed by the VIIRS Day-Night Band Measurements |
Ocean reflectance spectra at the red, near-infrared, and shortwave infrared from highly turbid waters: A study in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea |
Ocean sand ridge signatures in the Bohai Sea observed by satellite ocean color and synthetic aperture radar measurements |
On-orbit characterization of the VIIRS solar diffuser and attenuation screens for NOAA-20 using yaw measurements |
Optimal satellite orbit configuration for global ocean color product coverage |
Radiance reflected from the ocean-atmosphere system: synthesis from individual components of the aerosol size distribution |
Radiometric Evaluation of SNPP VIIRS Band M11 via Sub-Kilometer Intercomparison with Aqua MODIS Band 7 over Snowy Scenes |
Remote Sensing of Water Optical Property for China's Inland Lake Taihu Using the SWIR Atmospheric Correction With 1640 and 2130 nm Bands |
Report for dedicated JPSS VIIRS Ocean Color December 2015 Calibration/Validation cruise, 2015: |
Requirement of minimal signal-to-noise ratios of ocean color sensors and uncertainties of ocean color products |
Retrieval of the columnar aerosol phase function and single-scattering albedo from sky radiance over the ocean: simulations. |
Retrieval of water-leaving radiance and aerosol optical thickness over the oceans with SeaWiFS: a preliminary algorithm. |
Satellite-measured net primary production in the Chesapeake Bay |
Sea ice properties in the Bohai Sea measured by MODIS-Aqua: 2. Study of sea ice seasonal and interannual variability |
Spring-neap tidal effects on satellite ocean color observations in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea |
Stormwater plume detection by MODIS imagery in the southern California coastal ocean |
Surface-roughness considerations for atmospheric correction of ocean color sensors. I: The Rayleigh-scattering component |
Three-dimensional observations from MODIS and CALIPSO for ocean responses to cyclone Nargis in the Gulf of Martaban |
Uncertainties in satellite remote sensing of aerosols and impact on monitoring its long-term trend: a review and perspective |
The United States' Next Generation of Atmospheric Composition and Coastal Ecosystem Measurements: NASA's Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events (GEO-CAPE) Mission |
Validation study of the SeaWiFS oxygen A-band absorption correction: comparing the retrieved cloud optical thicknesses from SeaWiFS measurements. |
VIIRS-derived ocean color product using the imaging bands |
Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite reflective solar bands on-orbit calibration using solar diffuser illuminated by scattered light through the nadir port. |
Water properties in Chesapeake Bay from MODIS-Aqua measurements |