International school of physics Enrico Fermi
Scuola internazionale di fisica "Enrico Fermi"
VIAF ID: 133400316 (Corporate)
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- 110 2 _ ‡a International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi"
- 111 2 _ ‡a International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi"
- 111 2 _ ‡a International School of Physics Enrico Fermi
- 210 | | ‡a International school of physics Enrico Fermi
- 111 2 _ ‡a International school of physics Enrico Fermi
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (32)
Title | Sources |
Critical phenomena. | |
Developments and borderlines of nuclear physics. | |
Fisica del plasma, 1960. | |
Fisica delle alte densita di energia | |
Foundations of quantum mechanics. | |
From nuclei and their constituents to stars : Varenna on Como Lake, Villa Monastero, 6-16 August 2002 | |
General relativity and cosmology. | |
History of twentieth century physics. | |
Intermolecular spectroscopy and dynamical properties of dense systems | |
Local quantum theory. | |
Mantle and core in planetary physics. | |
Metrologia e costaniti fondamentali = Metrology and fundamental constants : Varrenna (Italy) sul Lago di Como, 12-24 Luglio [July] 1976 | |
Metrology at the frontiers of physics and technology | |
Molecular beams and reaction kinetics. | |
New directions in physical acoustics | |
Nuclear structure and nuclear reactions. | |
Physicomathematical aspects of biology = Aspetti fisicomatematici della biologia | |
Physics and astrophysics of neutron stars and black holes = Fisica ed astrofisica delle stelle di neutroni e dei buchi neri | |
Physics of high energy density. | |
Physics with intersecting storage rings. | |
Plasma astrophysics | |
Problems in the foundations of physics | |
Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" | |
Processing of optical data by organisms and by machines. | |
Proprietà locali alle transizioni di fase = Local properties at phase transitions | |
Quantum matter at ultralow temperatures : Varenna on Lake Como, Villa Monastero, 7-15 July 2014 | |
Quantum optics. | |
Radiation damage nei solidi = Radiaton damage in solids : Ispra (Varese) 5-24 Settembre, 1960. Direttore | |
Raggi cosmici, particelle solari e ricerca spaziale : rendiconti | |
Rendiconti della Scuola internazionale di fisica "Enrico Fermi" | |
Selected topics in particle physics. | |
Solar-terrestrial relationships and the earth environment in the last millennia : Villa Monastero, 25 June-5 July 1985 | |
Space exploration and the solar system = Le ricerche spaziali e il sistema solare | |
Star evolution | |
Struttura atomica e proprietà meccaniche dei metalli = Atomic structure and mechanical properties of metals : Varebba, 8-20 Luglio 1974 | |
Sviluppi e limiti della fisica nucleare : Varenna sul Lago di Como, 19-31 Luglio 1971 | |
Teorie ergodiche = Ergodic theories : Varenna [Italy] 23-31 Maggio, 1960 | |
Termodinamica dei processi irreversibili. | |
Theory of magnetism in transition metals = Teoria del magnetismo nei metalli di transizione | |
Theory of reliability : Varenna on Lake Como, Villa Monastero, 24 July-3 August 1984 | |
Topics in ocean physics : Varenna on Lake Como ... 7th-19th July 1980 | |
Topics on radiofrequency spectroscopy = Argomenti di spettroscopia a radiofrequenza | |
Ultra-cold Fermi gases : Varenna on Lake Como, Villa Monastero, 20-30 June 2006 = Gas di Fermi ultrafreddi : Varenna sul Lago di Como, Villa Monastero, 20-30 Giugno 2006 | |
Water : Fundamentals as the basis for understanding the environment and promoting technology : Varenna on Lake Como, Villa Monastero, 8-13 July 2013 | |
Weak interactions |